Verb (する)
1. victory; triumph; conquest; success; win
Pitch accent
Composed of
win; victory; beautiful scenery; scenic spot; counter for wins
advantage; benefit; profit; interest
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
huge win; overwhelming victory
winner; victor; conqueror
to gain a victory; to win
Examples (30 in total)
We're confident of our victory.
It's your victory.
The victory is ours.
We fought hard for victory.
The victory excited us.
We seemed secure of victory.
This is everyone's victory.
The victory made us more excited.
Everyone got excited by the news of the victory.
The player contributed to the victory.
The coach steered his team to victory.
The war ended in victory for the Allied Powers.
We are firmly confident of victory.
They said their prayers for victory.
The result of the vote was a win for the Liberals.
His victory made him a hero.
He bragged of having won the victory.
At last, they experienced the joy of victory.
It was the triumph of civilization over force.
The battle ended in a triumph for the Romans.
Her efforts were crowned with victory.
The news of her victory will break in the evening paper.
They assumed the victory as their own.
He won the day by virtue of his strength of will.
The report of victory turned out to be a little premature.
Education is the path to happiness, peace, righteousness, and success.
This victory alone is not the change we seek.
This is your victory.
I believe the honest will win in the long run.
In 1958, Brazil won its first World Cup victory.