Adjective (の)
1. woman; female
2. feminine gender
when read as "じょせい"
Pitch accent
Composed of
woman; girl; daughter; Chinese "Girl" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
nature (of a person); sex; gender; sex (i.e. sexual attraction, activity, etc.); gender; -ty
Used in vocabulary (51 in total)
feminization; feminisation
women's team
girl student; schoolgirl
Examples (200 in total)
She's a beautiful woman.
Women are easily moved to tears.
"I forgot," she answered.
The woman is beautiful.
I didn't know you were a woman.
That's a woman's job.
My sister was a beautiful woman.
That woman is busy.
She was a beautiful woman.
I am a Japanese woman.
The woman sleeps in the bedroom.
She is a charming woman.
She is a wonderful woman.
He looks down on women.
The participants were for the most part women.
Mary is one tough lady.
Would you prefer to be examined by a female nurse?
She is a quiet woman.
There were two women on board.
The women of France are beautiful.
He disguised himself as a woman.
I like chubby women.
This lady is Indian.
She is a selfish woman.
An old woman was burnt to death.
The woman is reading.
She looks like a normal woman.
I'm happy because I am not a woman.
I'm a woman, not a girl.
The woman is drinking water now.
This woman has black hair.
I don't know this lady.
Suddenly, a young woman stood up.
We want a woman who's good at cooking.
The number of working women is increasing.
A woman was sitting on a stool in a bar.
She is a most beautiful lady.
Glenn has two friends who are women.
I never saw such a woman.
She's grown up to be a beautiful woman.
There are many women here.
I heard a woman scream.
The woman is taking notes.
The woman hugged the baby.
The beautiful woman is kind.
She is a very refined lady.
We should not ask a woman her age.
She is a woman of noble birth.
Who is the girl at the door?
She's a very refined lady.
That woman gave me a flyer.
Mary is a very kind woman.
Real women have curves.
This book is very popular among women.
Happy International Women's Day!
Mrs. Smith is an elderly lady.
Women like colourful umbrellas.
He's married to an American woman.
The audience were mostly young girls.
Ellie is very feminine.
She had matured into an excellent woman.
Those women are strong.
She is said to be a domestic woman.
How about holding a debate on women's rights?
The woman died shortly after giving birth.
Women have two ovaries.
The profession is attractive to women.
Who is that woman holding the flowers?
The woman he married is very beautiful.
What would the world be like without women?
Where did you see that woman?
Do you want to know who that woman is?
A woman appeared from behind a tree.
I think she's an honest woman.
He has two women in his life.
The number of women who become mothers is small.
Who's that woman standing over there?
She's the most beautiful woman in the whole world.
Many women like drinking tea.
I have never hit a woman.
I saw a strange woman there.
Women are physically weaker than men.
The two ladies smiled at each other.
Mary is a very beautiful and interesting woman.
Mike has two girl friends.
A woman was driving a car on a country road.
Who is the woman dressed in pink?
Japanese women tend to look tiny and delicate.
He is enchanted by the girl's beauty.
Look at the girl over there.
The fat woman was holding a monkey.
Who is the woman in the brown coat?
Women want equality of opportunity with men.
He married a very pretty girl.
The women are relaxing on the piano.
Masculinity has to do with supporting women and children.
Generally, men are taller than women.
Women live longer than men in most countries.
I heard that Tom got married to a rich woman.
Japanese women carry their babies on their backs.
He excluded the woman from the suspects.
A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow.
He flirts with every woman he meets.
Jane grew up to be a fine lady.
How many women are in the car?
Generally speaking, Japanese women are modest.
I know a woman whose first and last names are the same as mine.
With many women, love always comes first.
A woman fell from a ship into the sea.
We saw the lady carried away to the hospital.
The job is not suitable for young girls.
Look, that young girl is being chased by the old man.
Every woman was shocked at the sight.
The women are in front of the library.
Summer is the season when women look most beautiful.
How come girls are usually easier to talk to than guys?
A woman visited us while you were sleeping.
Women are employed at a lower salary than men.
I saw a lady go through the gate without showing the ticket.
I hate women who say that all men are the same.
Two blonde women are sitting near the fountain.
Women have achieved equality in some areas.
The party is mainly made up of working women.
Even today, however, women struggle against discrimination.
Women use talking to maintain personal relationships.
The beauty of that lady was admired by everyone.
The woman speaks as if she were a teacher.
This movement had a great impact on the behavior of women.
She was a tall, slender blonde.
Women in Taiwan have long legs, and good figures.
The woman who came here yesterday is Miss Yamada.
The teacher of German looked like a German woman.
He doesn't approve of women smoking.
There are women who find bald men sexy.
The thief snatched the woman's handbag and ran off.
The position of women, over the years, has definitely changed for the better.
Generally speaking, women are better linguists than men.
I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life.
Men always walk in front of women in this country.
Who is the woman talking to my brother sitting next to him?
In this company, there are more women than men.
In this firm, women work on equal terms with men.
The excited woman tried to explain the accident all in one breath.
In general, men run faster than women.
The young women of this district are well known for their beauty.
You'll be in charge of the women working in this factory.
It is quite common for women to go out to work.
He had a good fortune to marry a beautiful girl.
Women work on equal terms with men in this firm.
"Which of the women is your aunt?" "The one on the right."
I found out that the woman I thought was a nurse was actually a doctor.
It'd be best if a few more female singers could come.
No other woman in our company is so proud as she.
German men go to the hairdresser more often than German women.
Nowadays it isn't unusual for a woman to travel alone.
This woman definitely knows that she doesn't know what she wants.
Women talk about trivial things when talking with men.
There were no fewer than five women standing outside, claiming to be his wife.
In our culture, we can't be married to two women at once.
There are more women than men studying Japanese.
Japanese women mask their faces on days when they don’t have time to put on makeup.
The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.
I think that actress is one of the most beautiful women on earth.
It was yesterday that a young woman came to see me.
Among the guests invited to the party were two foreign ladies.
This lady witnessed an accident at three o'clock this afternoon.
The poor old woman had her bag stolen again.
An old lady guided us through the castle.
When it comes to love, women are experts and men eternal novices.
The woman tried to shout out "Help!" but the word stuck in her throat.
I certainly don't subscribe to the view that women are necessarily more moral than men.
The idea that Japanese women are submissive and always obedient to their husbands is a lie.
Why aren't women allowed to enjoy the same civil rights as men?
I don't agree to a young lady going there alone.
The middle-aged women kept talking loudly all the way.
His argument is that women should not smoke or drink.
Until recently, the main function of women was to marry and give birth to children.
The law now requires women to be employed on equal terms with men.
I will never forget that kind, loving woman.
I agree with you that we need more women in this company.
She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture.
As a result, more women are receiving equal work.
I hate jealous women.
One-third of the six members were women.
Only 16 percent of the teachers of this school are female.
The club is composed of ten women.
Japanese women get married at 25 on average.
A Malian woman gave birth to nine babies.
There are seven men and four women in my section.
The committee is composed of three men and seven women.
Women usually live 10 years longer than men do.
The woman you were talking to at that time was my sister.
Women had little choice in the past.
She completed the trip in less than 20 hours.
"My husband passed on two years ago," an elderly lady said.
The lady moved here a month ago.
Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex.
Many young women in their 20s plan to go abroad during their summer holidays.
The young woman under that tree looks sad.
I can see a woman and two dogs in the car.