1. woman; girl; daughter
2. Chinese "Girl" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (116 in total)
she; her; girlfriend
unpopular woman; woman who isn't well-liked by men
woman's beauty or charms; love affair with a woman; lust for women
baby girl; primary schoolgirl
third daughter
Jurchen people
woman in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics); female scientist
Ms; Miss; Madame; highbrow (woman); cerebral
female molester; stupid woman
beautiful woman
women's rights
actress; female actor
female genitalia
woman attracted to Americans (particularly in the military)
little girl; maiden; young lady; (arch.) female between 17 and 20 years old (ritsuryo period)
men and women; man and woman; both sexes; both genders
wicked woman; ugly woman
female teacher
woman's body
demoness; witch; ogress; married woman
fourth-born daughter
trouble with women
woman; female
woman; girl
goddess; female deity
saint; holy woman
you; noblewoman; lady
little girl
court lady; lady-in-waiting
proprietress (of a traditional Japanese inn or restaurant); landlady; hostess; mistress
maid; female servant; hostess (in a ryokan); waitress (in a traditional restaurant); (arch.) court lady
young noblewoman; princess
female clothing; wearing female clothing; cross dressing (for a man)
girl student; schoolgirl
eldest daughter; first-born daughter
elderly woman; senior lady-in-waiting
(Catholic) nun; sister
girls college (esp. in names of Christian schools)
second daughter
(your, his, her) daughter
sons and daughters; children; girl
schoolgirl; female student
girls' school
woman (writer, artist, aviator, etc.)
waitress; hostess
woman doctor
feminine; effeminate
female court attendant; court lady
stupid girl; stupid woman
prostitute (esp. Edo period)
woman entertainer; prostitute
brave woman; heroine; lady of character; Amazon
one's wife; one's wife and daughter or daughters
talented woman
court lady
queendom; country ruled by a queen
women's basketball; girls' basketball
homely woman; plain-looking woman
female genitals; vulva
female factory worker
fairy; nymph; elf
one daughter; eldest daughter; first-born daughter
female line; matrilinear
second daughter
High Priestess (Tarot card); Popess
woman; womankind
sexual experience (with women)
woman's beauty or charms; love affair with a woman; lust for women
female ghost; female apparition; female monster
saleswoman; shopgirl
fifth daughter
female prisoner; female convict
brave woman
brave woman
single woman; spinster
barren woman; sterile woman
virtuous woman; faithful wife
discrimination against women; sexism
young woman strongly interested in pre-Edo history; young woman making use of speech and mannerisms of pre-industrial Japan; female history buff
boys and girls
youngest daughter
gentle woman; affectionate woman
lascivious woman; lewd woman; prostitute
filial daughter
women's liberation; emancipation of women
glamorous woman; seductive woman
women's studies
men and women; the whole town
lowly woman
respect for women
Jurchen people
female employee; female worker; working-woman
music performed by women
single woman; bachelor girl; spinster
woman interested in Buddhism and Buddhist images
ruddy turnstone (species of sandpiper, Arenaria interpres)
female student or graduate of Waseda University; woman who allegedly pursues a career at the expense of love, feminine interests, etc.
woman in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics); female scientist
women's volleyball; girls' volleyball
business woman; prostitute
wandering prostitute
bedroom of a forsaken woman
grown-up woman; adult woman
beautiful woman; lady attendant
stone statue of a woman