1. female; woman; female sex
can be blunt when used alone
2. female lover; girlfriend; mistress; (someone's) woman
Alt. forms
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Examples (55 in total)
What a strong-willed woman.
Do you like this girl?
You're my woman.
You're not a woman.
All women are the same.
Women and children first!
The young woman sighed.
She's a determined woman.
I have no sisters.
Mary is a strong woman.
This is a man, that is a woman.
Why do you hate women?
A person is either male or female.
The woman reached for the knife on the table.
You must not compare a man with a woman.
Why are women so weak to presents?
There were not many women doctors in those days.
Women like to talk.
That woman is very arrogant.
Tom is a man, and I'm a woman.
He has no eye for women.
The woman was sitting between two men.
I'm a woman and I don't think that it's strange at all.
A woman's hair is long; her tongue is longer.
I have a date tonight with an old girlfriend.
She came damn late.
The police were unable to get anything out of the woman.
The woman to whom you were talking is my older sister.
Generally, women live longer than men.
When he came back, the woman had walked off.
I feel strongly that men and women are equal.
Generally speaking, men are stronger than women.
I'd rather give up than have you taken by another woman.
The "man" that you saw is actually a woman.
That woman knows where I live.
This years goal is to become a stronger woman.
Why are women such bothersome creatures?
The young woman was carrying an infant in her arms.
Generally speaking, a woman will live longer than a man.
Mary is the most beautiful woman in the whole world.
Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls.
Once upon a time, there lived a poor man and a rich woman.
According to him, she is honest.
You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
She grew up to be a lovely woman like her mother.
They say she is the kindest woman on earth.
A female friend of ours took a trip to a small village last week.
Generally speaking, men are physically stronger than women.
In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man is.
Gods created women to tame men.
Every man and woman in the company is well trained.
My son thinks women are stronger than men.
My father trained me not as a man or a woman, but as a performer.
The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cellphone.
His daughter grew to be a beautiful woman.