1. assistance; help; aid; support; reinforcement
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
cooperation; mutual aid (help)
Examples (64 in total)
Come to help me.
I need help.
I want some help.
Do you require our help?
I don't need your help.
You can't count on their help.
Self-help is the best help.
I heard a cry for help.
He was running and calling for help.
The boy screamed for help.
Why do you want my help?
The people cried for help.
It's no use asking him for help.
Many people need help.
He heard someone calling for help.
She screamed for help.
Ken cried for help.
I asked for Bob's help.
Sometimes first offenders are in need of help.
If I hadn't had his help, I would be dead.
I really need your help.
I am badly in need of your help.
Call me if you need help.
Without your help, I couldn't have done it.
It's difficult to help people when they don't want your help.
Why did she ask for our help?
It is a good idea asking him for help.
Had it not been for your help, I would have failed.
He didn't come to help, but to hinder us.
You shouldn't rely on other people's help.
My success was due to your help.
You can't count on his help.
It was wise of you to ask him for help.
The injured man cried for help.
I heard a call for help.
Arnie, can you hold on until help comes?
No one came to help me.
The islanders are asking us for help.
She asked me for help when she was in trouble.
If it weren't for her help, I would not be alive now.
The drowning man shouted for help.
Skillful diplomacy helps to avert war.
Mary really needs your help.
Why does Tom need my help?
I need help translating this document into French.
If it hadn't been for his help, she might have drowned.
The only way was to ask her for help.
I have not asked for help, nor do I desire it.
Call me up whenever you need my help.
Were it not for your help, I could never succeed.
If it were not for your help, I could not have succeeded.
If it had not been for your help, I would have lost the game.
When he got into trouble, he turned to his parents for help.
He didn't like to ask for help even if he was starving.
There is no use crying for help. No one will hear you.
Without your help, we wouldn't be able to carry out our plan.
I bought several guidebooks, none of which helped me.
If it had not been for your help, I couldn't have completed the work.
He couldn't move and had to call for help.
His last recourse will be to go to his father for help.
He heard a cry for help.
If my brother hadn't helped me, I would've drowned.
When he is in trouble, he always turns to his sister for help.
I need your help. And I will be your president, too.