1. various; many; several
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (66 in total)
you (people); gentlemen; ladies and gentlemen; my friends
many people; everyone; all sorts of people
many people; everyone; all sorts of people
princes; lords
archipelago; group of islands
various foreign countries; several foreign countries
various fiefdoms; various domains
various opinions; various theories; various rumors (rumours)
various reasons
here and there; everywhere
various kings; unproclaimed son of the imperial family
every direction
(all of) you or them
many problems; various problems
various families; various schools of thought
various matters; everything
dear friends; (all of) you or those men
terms and conditions
many samurai; many gentlefolk
sundry expenses
various factors or elements
various evils; every kind of evil; all evils
tips; pointers
high-ranking officials; ministers; ladies and gentlemen; everyone
various buddhas
various parties or factions; minor parties
(a multitude of) gods
various aspects; various phases
various kinds
various studies
gentlemen; you; (all of) you or them; Hundred Schools of Thought
financial statements
various things; fetish
various points (of discussion); various places; various spots; various matters
all existing things (formed and formless)
various deities; the gods
political affairs; all phases of government
(artistic) accomplishments
(various) symptoms
(artistic) accomplishments
law decreeing rules for daimyo during Tokugawa shogunate
all worldly phenomena; meritorious acts leading to enlightenment; (Jodo school) all practices other than recitation of the nembutsu prayer
various temples
various virtues; all kinds of virtues; many virtuous priests
various goods; prices
sundry expenses; various expenses
various religions; various teachings; various sects of Buddhism
East-Asian peoples
various allowances; (other) benefits
ladies and gentlemen
various buddhas, bodhisattvas, deities, etc.
(various) languages; language group; language family
you (feminine plural); you ladies
details; intricacies
sundries; miscellaneous (objects)
vehicles of all types; all vehicles
various appliances
medium and small nations
being excused from various levies and taxes during the age of militarist government
miscellaneous charges; surcharge
many others; various other things
numerous sufferings; various kinds of suffering
Examples (1 in total)
The facts bear out this hypothesis.