1. income; earnings
Pitch accent
Composed of
counter for places
profit; advantage; benefit; rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
unearned income
having no income; state of nonattachment; lack of attachment; not seeking anything
disposable income; disposable personal income; DPI
total income; gross earnings
income divide
income concealment; (income) tax evasion
tax deduction; deduction from taxable income; income exemptions and deductions
income earner
taxable income
national income
occasional income
personal income
miscellaneous (sundry) incomes
income certificate; certificate of earnings
corporate income
tax-free income
transfer income
discretionary income
income distribution
family income
income effect
Gini coefficient; Gini's coefficient
imputed income
income-based levy; per income levy; taxation on income basis
income redistribution
fluctuating income
pension replacement rate; income substitution rate (of the public pension)
Examples (5 in total)
Taxation is based on income.
The income from this source is tax-free.
A special tax is imposed on very high incomes.