1. order; turn; sorting
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (79 in total)
running order (esp. in a relay race)
in order; in turn
in order; sequential; seriatim
process; procedure; sequence; protocol; instruction
irregular; unseasonable; changeable; unsettled; abnormal
pilgrimage; pilgrim
batting order
favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right
turn (in line); order of things; sequential order
in order; in turn; one by one
obedient; gentle; meek; submissive; docile
order; rank; position (e.g. in a race); precedence
order; sequence; procedure
proper; right; reasonable
adaptation; accommodation; conforming; acclimatization; acclimatisation
in order; in turn
route; way; course; directions
in turns; alternately; in order
seating order
permutation; lining up in order; linear arrangement
favorable circumstances; prosperity
order of arrival
order of arrival; first-come-first-served basis
standard gojūon syllabary order (aiueo, etc.)
right and wrong; loyalty and treason; obedience and disobedience
aiueo-order; order of the kana syllabary
overhand grip
chronological order
by priority of age
order of height
word order
(listed in) no particular order; arbitrary order; random order
reverse order; following a contrary path
order in which songs, etc. are played (in playlist, set list, etc.)
acclimatization; naturalization; acclimation
stroke order (esp. of a Chinese character)
sending or passing along
first-come-first-served basis
good and obedient; gentle; meek
iroha order; traditional ordering of Japanese syllabaries (based on a Buddhist poem)
going in order; proceeding in order; direct motion; prograde motion; (arch.) carrying out something without disobeying one's orders
scudding (in sailing)
going in order; proceeding in order; direct motion; prograde motion; (arch.) carrying out something without disobeying one's orders
obedience; filial piety
order of applications; in order of application
favorable condition (for entering the priesthood); dying in order (from oldest to youngest)
order of seniority
ASCII data transfer with XON-XOFF flow control
ordinal number
in order; from start to end
ESDS; Entry-Sequenced Data Set
KSDS; Key-Sequenced Data Set
Indexed Sequential Access Method; ISAM
sequential file
sequential access
forward reading
sequential organization
forward voltage (e.g. of a semiconductor)
forward voltage drop (e.g. in a semiconductor)
job sequencing; routing; route
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
triple run; winning hand containing the same chow in each of the three suits
pure double chow; winning hand containing two identical chows (i.e. same numbers and same suit)
picking parts (automobile production line); picking part
agami karma; karma with a cause and effect in this life
sancita karma; karma whose cause is in the present life but whose effect is in the next life
prarabdha karma; karma whose cause is in the present life but whose effect comes in the life after the next life or later
Charvaka (ancient school of Indian materialism); Lokayata
shaving with the grain; shaving downwards