Verb (する)
1. preparation; arrangements; getting ready; provision; setup; reserving
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
mental preparedness; being braced for; being steeled for
preparation room
fully prepared; all ready
preliminary arrangements; spade work
warming (limbering) up; warming-up exercises
in preparation; (shop) not yet open for business
preparatory phase; preparatory period
warm-up exercises
advance preparations
ill-preparedness; insufficient preparation; lack of preparation
preparatory committee
reserve fund
war preparation
preliminary conditions; initial conditions; state of preparations for (before) an event
preparatory document; legal brief
reserve funds
(crime of) assembling with dangerous weapons
election preparations
gold reserve
(US) Federal Reserve System
draft script; preparatory version
total amount of foreign currency reserves; foreign exchange reserves
fully prepared; all ready
reserve currency
preliminary control of lights
cash-deposit ratio
reserve ratio; reserve rate
reserve requirement ratio; legal reserve ratio; required reserve ratio
required reserves; legal required reserves
legal reserve system (USA); reserve deposit requirement system
Examples (89 in total)
Is everything ready for tomorrow?
Aren't you ready to go?
I'll let you know when it's ready.