Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. circulation; rotation; cycle; loop
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (38 in total)
virtuous cycle; virtuous circle
circular reasoning
vicious circle; vicious cycle
circulatory organ
circulatory system (blood, lymph, etc.)
blood circulation
loop-line bus; loop bus; bus on a circular route; bus following a circular route
loop line; circle line; circle route
circular; recycling
cyclical; circulative; recursive
pulmonary circulation
atmospheric circulation
systemic circulation
systemic circulation; general circulation (of the atmosphere)
water cycle; hydrologic cycle
circulatory system (blood, lymph, etc.)
funds flow; transfer of funds
thermohaline circulation
cycle (e.g. in business)
left ventricular assist device; LVAD
inventory cycle
round-trip transaction; round-tripping
end-around shift; cyclic shift
end-around borrow
circular definition
pulmonary circulation
Hadley circulation; Hadley cell
Ferrel cell; Ferrel circulation
hydrologic cycle; water cycle
Examples (3 in total)
Blood circulates through the body.
We can clearly see the cycle of the seasons in Canada.
Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood.