Verb (する)
1. success in life; getting ahead; successful career; promotion; climbing the corporate ladder; eminence
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
success in life
most successful (of one's relatives, classmates, etc.)
career track; promotional track; fast track; upward mobility
desire to succeed in life; ambition to make one's mark in the world
highway to success
fish that are called by different names as they grow larger
work of art or literature that brings fame
newly recruited wrestlers in the first round of presentation after mae-zumo
monastic life
presenting of new wrestlers to audience
newly recruited wrestlers in the second round of presentation after mae-zumo
newly recruited wrestlers in the third round of presentation after mae-zumo
Examples (4 in total)
Tom was jealous of Mary's success.
The scandal was an obstacle to his promotion.
If you are to succeed in life, work harder.