Verb (する)
1. accommodation; lodging
Kanji used
place to sleep
stay overnight
Pitch accent
Top 10600
Composed of
lodging; relay station; post town; constellation; mansion (in Chinese astronomy)
counter for nights of a stay; overnight stay; lodging
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
accommodation facility (e.g. hotel); lodging facility; boarding house
guest spending the night (i.e. at a hotel)
hotel charge; lodging expense
Examples (8 in total)
I'd like to stay here overnight.
Sue checked in at the Royal Hotel.
Tom and Mary stayed at a fancy hotel.
The hotel room where we stayed was shabby.
The delay forced us to stay overnight in an expensive hotel.
Please enjoy your stay at this hotel.
Can I extend my stay one more night?
The hotel can accommodate fifty guests.