1. homework; assignment
2. pending issue; unresolved problem; open question
Pitch accent
Composed of
lodging; relay station; post town; constellation; mansion (in Chinese astronomy)
title; subject; problem (on a test); question; counter for questions (on a test)
Examples (157 in total)
I didn't do the homework.
I have some homework to do.
I hate homework.
Let's do our homework together.
Are you still doing your homework?
Have you done your homework?
Why don't you do your homework?
Did you already do your homework?
Do your homework right now.
I forgot I had homework.
I have no homework today.
I've finished all my homework.
Do your homework first of all.
The homework was easily done.
Did you do your homework by yourself?
Have you already done your homework?
Have you finished your homework already?
I'm sorry, I forgot to do my homework.
I was tired from doing my homework.
I always hate homework.
Do your homework now.
I just finished my homework.
Oh no, I didn't do my homework.
I'm tired of homework.
Have you handed in your homework?
All my homework is done.
Get your homework done as soon as you can.
Is your math homework done?
Jane is doing her homework.
First, we've got to finish the homework.
She is doing her homework now.
I have to go home and do my homework.
I have a lot of homework today.
Stop doing that, and do your homework.
He took his time doing his homework.
I have to do my homework.
You should do your homework now.
Where did my homework go?
When will you finish your homework?
The teacher gave us homework.
His mother compelled him to do his homework.
I was doing my homework then.
This homework is difficult for me.
We must finish our homework first.
Get your mother to do your homework!
By the way, have you done your homework?
I wanted you to help me with my homework.
My homework was finally finished.
Don't forget to do your homework, okay?
When I've finished my homework, I'll go for a swim.
You have to finish your homework right away.
This homework will take very long.
I finished all my homework two days ago.
After dinner, I did my homework.
I can't go out because I have a lot of homework.
Finish your homework before you go to bed.
Before you go play, do your homework.
She finished her homework in an hour.
Our teacher gives us a lot of homework.
Kate wants to finish her homework by ten.
Mary said she would do her homework.
My homework is nearly complete.
Mary has finished her Japanese assignment.
Will you help me with my French homework?
To tell the truth, I didn't do my homework.
I have a lot more homework than Tom does.
Sam has already done his homework.
I played video games after I finished my homework.
I've got to do my homework now.
I had him do my homework.
I don't want to think about homework right now.
I have no time to do my homework.
Homework must be done by tomorrow.
Try and do your homework by yourself.
I have a lot of homework to do.
Did you do the last problem of the homework?
You ought to finish your homework at once.
No matter how busy you are, you have to do your homework.
She assisted her brother with his homework.
The teacher made the students do a lot of homework.
I'll do my homework after I watch television.
My brother sometimes helps me with my homework.
We have a lot of assignments for the summer vacation.
I'm too sleepy to do my homework.
Having done my homework, I had a chat with Mom.
It took me three hours to do my homework.
John was praised for his good homework.
When I get home, I do my homework first.
You are supposed to hand in your homework by Friday.
Brian gets his mother to do his homework.
I'm going to do my homework right after dinner.
Tom, will you let me copy your math homework?
The math homework proved to be easier than I had expected.
They are beginning their homework.
I will have finished my homework by Tuesday.
She started doing her homework right after dinner.
Where did Ming go to do her homework?
First of all, we have to finish the homework.
You are supposed to hand in the homework by the end of the week.
Mary always assists her boyfriend in doing his assignments.
Does Nancy have to do her homework now?
When he came, I was doing my homework.
Whether you like it or not, you have to do your homework.
I haven't finished all my homework yet.
We have a lot of homework to do.
My parents always make me do my homework before I go out.
Are you going to do your homework this afternoon?
There is enough time to finish this homework.
Is it OK if I leave my homework here?
I want to rest a little because all the homework is finished.
I have to finish my homework before dinner.
I have finally finished my homework; now I can go to bed.
"Will you help me with my English homework?" "Certainly."
He was kind enough to help me with my homework.
I watched baseball on TV after I finished my homework.
My father sometimes helps me with my homework.
"Hey, were you able to complete your maths homework?" "Oops, I completely forgot about it."
Thanks to his help, I finished my homework.
I often help my sister do her homework.
It took him two hours to finish his homework.
It is doubtful whether he did his homework by himself.
You are to hand in your assignments by Monday.
They always sit up late doing their homework.
You must hand in your homework by Thursday without fail.
When should I finish my homework, Mr Jewel?
Now my brother and I are doing our Russian homework.
I fell asleep while I was doing my homework.
Are you going to do your homework before dinner?
You need not have helped my son with his homework.
I had just finished my homework when he visited me.
Chris got a very good grade on that difficult homework assignment.
I heard some students complain about the homework.
When I returned home, my brother was doing his homework.
She is accustomed to doing her homework before dinner.
My sister will have finished her homework before she goes to Hokkaido.
I will finish my homework by nine.
They hate him because he gives them a mountain of homework.
He gave us such a long assignment that we protested.
Last night I could not do my homework on account of a long blackout.
Mummy, I've finished my homework. Can I go out and play now?
I should finish my homework at least by Monday.
As a rule, our English teacher gives a lot of homework.
They asked his brother to help them with their homework.
I had to have my brother help me with my homework due to illness.
I have done all my homework and now I am completely free until Monday.
Beth was asked by her lazy boyfriend to do his history homework.
I had just finished my homework when Ted phoned me.
His homework having been finished, Tom went to bed.
Finish your homework before your father gets home.
Mr. Yamada gives us a lot of homework every day.
I have just now finished doing my English homework.
The teacher assigned us ten problems for homework.
You must get this homework finished by the day after tomorrow.
Ms. Takada accused the boy of copying another student's homework.
Although Tom is sick, he plans to get his homework done on time.
"Was there any homework for tomorrow again?" "Sorry, I don't know. Ask someone else."
You can depend on my older sister-in-law to help you with your homework.