Adjective (な)
1. enough; sufficient; plenty; adequate; satisfactory
2. sufficiently; fully; thoroughly; well; perfectly
Verb (する)
3. division into ten
Pitch accent
Composed of
ten; 10; (arch.) book containing a collection of poems
part; portion; amount; worth (as in "two days' worth"); one's means; one's place; one's duty
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
insufficient; inadequate; imperfect
sufficient condition
Examples (148 in total)
Is it enough?
Is that enough?
I'm more than happy.
That's enough for now.
It's 3:10.
This is not enough.
I've already heard enough.
This should be enough.
It's warm enough to swim.
Mayuko has not slept enough.
I was told to get enough sleep.
For circumstantial evidence, that's plenty.
I've had enough, thank you.
That will be enough for now.
Is the room big enough?
He knows the situation well enough.
No, thank you. I've had enough.
This room is large enough.
Is there enough food for everyone?
This place is big enough for both of us.
That would be sufficient.
I can understand your position perfectly.
The chance was fully taken advantage of.
He does not study hard enough.
Yes. We should be very careful.
We have plenty of time tonight.
This meal is adequate for three.
He can read well.
Do you have enough money for the trip?
I took good care that I did not fall.
We have enough food now.
She was kind enough.
The ice is thick enough to walk on.
The baby must be taken good care of.
Have a good supply of drinking water.
The house is small, but it's enough for us.
This is a small house, but it will do for us.
If I had had enough money, I could have bought it.
This room is just about big enough.
The attack began without enough planning.
The old people were taken good care of.
We are fully aware of the importance of the situation.
We have enough time to catch the train.
The army had plenty of weapons.
I don't have enough credits to graduate.
The city is well supplied with water.
We can get along very well without you.
Is your salary adequate to support your family?
The fact is that they don't have enough money.
There is an ample market for this product.
You have a good chance to get well.
This tire doesn't have enough air in it.
He has a good chance of getting elected.
He has a good chance of being elected.
A green banana is not ripe enough to eat.
There's ample room in the attic.
The children were well looked after.
Please be careful of gales and large waves.
They earmarked enough money for research work.
I know the facts well enough.
We have enough seats for everyone.
We are not quite satisfied with the result.
Your arms and legs have grown strong enough.
The plan is well worth trying.
If I had enough money, I could buy this camera.
He wants to equip his son with a good education.
There are sufficient grounds for believing he is honest.
I want a cellular phone, but I don't have enough money to pay for one.
He is old enough to drive a car.
The situation is bad enough as it is.
We still have enough time to discuss it.
He is old enough to understand it.
Take a good rest, and you will soon get well.
He has enough ability to manage a business.
My house is fully insured.
Ken didn't work hard enough, so he failed the exam.
There are not enough chairs for us to sit on.
These are not sufficient reasons for breaking the promise.
We have every reason to believe him innocent.
A problem of whose importance we are fully aware.
It's very important to get enough rest.
There was not enough evidence to find him guilty.
I ate a large dinner and my hunger was satisfied.
He is clever enough to solve the problem.
The exhibition is well worth a visit.
If I had enough money, I would buy the book.
He's strong enough to lift that.
The results of the research were quite satisfactory.
Please get plenty of sleep the day before donating blood.
I always have a good supply of tissues in my pockets.
He is a good enough authority on jazz.
His experience qualifies him to do the job.
We should have been fully aware of this risk all along.
His story is well worth listening to.
I had enough money to buy that dress.
"Will you have some more coffee?" "No, thanks. I've had enough."
He didn't have enough experience to cope with the problem.
If I had enough money, I could go abroad.
Do you have enough time to buy enough things for souvenirs?
They supplied the soldiers with enough food and water.
I accepted the offer after due consideration.
If I had had enough time, I could have seen more of London.
He is rich enough to buy that car.
She had good reason to file for a divorce.
He was still strong enough to press a switch.
The doctor insisted that the patient get plenty of rest.
Each person was given enough food and clothing.
We have adequate inventories of the product to meet local demand.
There are good grounds for believing what he says.
We must move this statue very carefully.
He complains of not having enough time to read.
There was not enough wine to go round at the party.
He refused my offer for no good reason.
Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
Students who want to major in physics ought to have a sufficient knowledge of mathematics.
There is ample room for another car.
There are several good reasons why I have a freezer.
Hot weather will continue, so please watch out for food poisoning.
Jones is well qualified for the job.
We fully appreciate his excellence as a skier.
If he had enough time, he might have done good work.
My room is small, but it's big enough for me.
My school is about ten minutes' walk from the station.
If I had enough time, I would talk with you.
To understand Japanese culture to the full, you should learn the language.
If I had enough money, I would buy that nice car.
Good food and enough sleep are absolutely necessary to good health.
Tom didn't have enough money to buy what he needed.
This fairy tale is easy enough for a seven-year-old child to read.
Let's see if our cars have enough gas.
If you get enough rest every night, you'll feel much better.
Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.
The President decided to provide developing countries with sufficient aid.
The work is well worth the trouble.
The writer's latest novel is well worth reading.
Even if I had enough money, I still wouldn't buy a Ferrari.
Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight?
Before you leave home, make sure your pets have enough food.
If I had had enough money, I would have bought the bag.
I have every reason to believe that he is innocent of the crime.
I tried to convince him that I was perfectly capable of it.
My car is large enough to carry five people.
You have plenty of time to catch the train.
There's not enough space here for 40 people.
One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people.
I suppose then an 8-Gigabyte hard drive will be adequate.
Well... My house isn't big enough.
Five thousand yen is enough to buy this dictionary.