1. twelve; 12
2. queen (playing card)
Pitch accent
Composed of
ten; 10; (arch.) book containing a collection of poems
two; 2
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
more than enough; more than ample; exhaustive
twelve o'clock; noon; midnight
twelfth day of the month; twelve days
Twelve Apostles
the twelve divine generals (of Bhaisajyaguru)
12 signs of the Chinese zodiac
twelve-layered ceremonial kimono (worn by a court lady); ajuga (Ajuga nipponensis); bugle
the twelve nidanas (continuum of twelve phases that lead to suffering)
constellations of the zodiac
twelve devas (esp. of the Shingon sect)
the twelve gates of Heian's greater palace
first system to rank officials into 12 levels (603 CE)
Twelfth Night; Epiphany Eve
the 72 'climates' of the year based on the 24 solar seasons further divided into three
duodecimal system; base twelve system
32nd note; demisemiquaver
twelve words used to mark the old calendar as indicators of lucky and unlucky activities
the Twenty-Two Shrines; the 22 most important Shinto shrines, as designated during the Heian period
ancient Chinese chromatic scale (primarily used in Japan for gagaku, etc.)
twelve meridians (in acupuncture, etc.)
duodecimo (folding)
Buddhist theory of the twelve-fold chain of causation, interdependent origination and co-dependent arising (San: pratītya-samutpāda); twelve causal links
Twelver Shiism (branch of Shia Islam)
Examples (4 in total)
Twelve people were injured in the accident.
The boy was expelled from music school when he was 12.
The twelve-hour journey had tired me out.