1. religion; religious affiliation; belief; faith; creed
2. religious activity
Pitch accent
Composed of
sect; denomination; tenets (of a religious sect)
religion; cult
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
religious; spiritual
religious; spiritual
religious leader; person of religion; religious figure; religionist
religious painting; religious picture
irreligion; lack of religion; unbelief
religious organization; religious organisation
the study or science of religion; religious studies
religious atmosphere
(major) world religion (i.e. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam)
holy city; city developed around a church, temple, shrine, etc. (e.g. Ise, Mecca, Vatican)
religious history; history of religion
philosophy of religion
religious issue; religious problem; religious question
primitive religion
religious opposition; religious conflict; religious antagonism
sacred art; religious art
primitive religion; natural religion
major religion; great religion
religious terrorism
religious drama; miracle play
door-to-door solicitor; door-to-door preacher
(the) religious right
revealed religion
anthropology of religion; religious anthropology
religious fervour; religious enthusiasm
religious discrimination
organized religion
Examples (29 in total)
Some people don't believe in any religion.
Japanese are not so particular about religion.
What's the difference between a religion and a cult?