1. income; receipts; revenue
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 6900
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
casual income; extraordinary revenue; incidental income; nonrecurring income; perquisite
Examples (44 in total)
I'm satisfied with my current income.
How much money does a teacher make?
He has a fair income.
This has increased family income.
You should live within your means.
Your income is three times larger than mine.
Never spend in excess of your income.
His income bears no proportion to his social standing.
The government will tax your income.
You must not live beyond your means.
Our income is small, but we get by.
My brother earns half as much money as my father.
I live above my means.
You ought to work hard regardless of your income.
You must live according to your income.
I can't get by on such a small income.
John lives above his means.
The majority of his income goes to pay his rent.
He consumed all his income on drinking.
She spends a major part of her income on food.
Foreign trade brings in a large income.
We pay an income tax at varying rates according to the size of income.
His family has to live on his small income.
At that time I had a poor income and couldn't live on it.
His new job brought him a handsome income.
Their modest income doesn't allow for many luxuries.
He has a sufficient income to support his family.
Last year my income was about five million yen.
His large income enabled him to live in comfort.
His income is too small to support his large family.
It's difficult for our income to keep up with inflation.
A bookkeeper computes all the company's income and expenses each week.
Unique ideas helped him to earn a high income.
We should strike a balance between our expenditure and income.
He borrowed a large sum of money on the strength of expected income.
He gave away about one-tenth of his income to the poor.
Her large income enables her to go to Paris every year.
The Ugandans depend on their coffee crop to bring money into the country.
They don't have enough income to lay aside for the future.
His parents' view was that he was wasting his earnings on a silly girl.
That job brings him in an extra 60,000 yen a month.
My income has gone down by 10 percent.
A six-figure income is not uncommon for physicians.
Now my income is twice what it was two years ago.