1. demand; request
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
effective demand
demand for (electric) power
Examples (19 in total)
The price reflects the demand.
Supply is relative to demand.
We have to meet the demand.
The supply cannot keep up with the demand.
The price varies with demand.
Prices depend on the costs and the demand.
There is a great demand for gasoline.
There is an ample market for this product.
As the demand increases, prices go up.
We need to reduce the demand for energy.
There is no market for these goods in Japan.
There is much demand for nurses in this hospital.
The demand was brought down by increases in imports.
Demand for imported cars is increasing due to lower prices.
Demand for occupational therapy has surged in recent years.
There has been an explosive increase in the demand for labor.
We have adequate inventories of the product to meet local demand.
Recently the demand for this product has increased faster than the supply.
Here is the demand forecast for 1998.