Verb (する)
1. lesson; class work; teaching; instruction
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
parents' day (day when parents observe their children in school)
tuition fee; course fee
Examples (121 in total)
Now, let's begin the class.
Our class begins at ten.
Classes start in April.
Don't you have classes today?
You don't have class today, do you?
What is the next class?
We didn't have classes today.
I don't have classes today.
That was the end of the class.
Why did you miss class?
Did you go to the last class?
Classes are starting again soon.
I think I'll skip this class.
Do you have class on Saturday?
Fortunately, I made it to the class.
There is no school during August.
I must hurry to class.
Now that school is over, you can go home.
When will this lesson end?
We have no school tomorrow.
"Is class starting yet?" "Yes, it's starting."
The teacher finished today's lesson.
What's your least favorite class?
I don't have classes tomorrow afternoon.
That teacher's class is interesting.
As the lessons were over, the children went home.
When will the Japanese classes start?
It being Sunday, we have no classes today.
Our first class is math.
We have four classes in the morning.
That day was a Sunday, so there was no school.
Classes start at nine o'clock every day.
Do you know what time the class starts?
How many classes do you have on Saturdays?
I miss his lessons so much.
The history class starts at nine.
Your attendance at classes was irregular.
You should prepare for tomorrow's lessons.
Fred often comes late for class.
Tom often skips class.
Do we have class this Friday?
Classes begin next Tuesday.
We have no classes on Wednesday afternoons.
He fell behind in his English class.
Tom was late for class, as is often the case.
This lesson is cancelled tomorrow.
That class takes place once per week.
Yanni has classes today.
I'll ask the teacher about it after class.
He did not enjoy his lessons.
I completely forgot that there was class today!
Do you have any questions regarding today's lesson?
He's always late to class.
If you get up early, you can be in time for school.
The lesson being over, children ran out into the hall.
Do you want to see our English lesson?
We have two classes in the afternoon.
The professor scolded John for skipping class.
How many classes do you have on Mondays?
The classes stopped at noon, when we had lunch.
We will deal with that question in the next lesson.
As is often the case with him, he was late for class today.
Tom came to class in his pajamas.
He's tired after his German classes.
Our teacher is punctual for the classes.
We discussed gun control in social studies class.
I had Berber classes in elementary school.
I attended his classes and learned how to draw.
I hurried out so as to be in time for class.
Harry was late for class yesterday because of his accident.
When class is over, it'll probably be raining.
When the bell rang, the teacher ended the class.
Always bring your notebook to my class, will you?
I chose this school because its classes seemed interesting to me.
She could only take Japanese lessons for a few hours.
Look up words in advance, before you attend a class.
The student missed class three times in a row.
Last week five students were absent from class.
The student skipped class three times in a row.
Do we need to bring our dictionaries to class tomorrow?
She seems to be nervous about her first class.
May I be excused from tomorrow's class?
I have no idea what we are doing in our math class.
Regular attendance is required in that class.
Tom seems to be preparing for tomorrow's lessons.
I must attend my history class on Thursday.
As soon as the lesson was over, they rushed out of the room.
Regular attendance is important in a foreign language class.
I rarely prepare for the world history lessons.
The teacher declined to let the lazy boy attend his class.
After lunch we have two more classes.
Some teachers peel potatoes while teaching.
Both boys and girls should take cooking class in school.
What did you particularly like about this class?
Were there any interesting topics in today's history class?
"Did you hear the lecture in that class yesterday?" asked the student.
I don't like the new textbook we're using in the English class.
Not all the students were present in class.
She applied what she had learned in class to the experiment.
We have five classes every day except Saturday.
We have to memorize this poem by the next class.
They established a Japanese language class for the refugees.
The students apologized to the teacher for being late to class.
That's it for today's lesson. Now, I hope to see you all again next week.
Students usually like club activities better than their classes.
Some college teachers come to class late and leave early.
I can't believe it, my bike isn't here! Did somebody steal it? I'm going to be late for class!
As usual, the physics teacher was late for class.
Mark in red anything you don't understand and ask about it in class.
Kozue thought the teacher's lecture was dull, boring and endless.
We have two lessons in the afternoon.
What time does your first class start?
This class will be over in ten minutes.
We have six classes a day.
We have four French classes a week.
We have 5 English classes in a week.
The English lesson started at 8:30.
They have four classes in the morning.
Our teacher is always on time for class.
According to the new schedule, we'll have five English classes per week.
It's not too much to ask you to come to class on time.