Adjective (の)
1. capital city; metropolis
Pitch accent
Composed of
counter for songs and poems
Metropolis (of Tokyo); (Tokyo) Metropolitan District; counter for cities and towns; capital
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
the capital city (often Tokyo) area (typically within 50 km of city's centre) (center)
Tokyo near-field earthquake; large-scale earthquake expected to directly hit the Kanto area sometime in the future; also refers to the 1855 and 1894 Edo/Tokyo earthquakes
Tokyo near-field earthquake; large-scale earthquake expected to directly hit the Kanto area sometime in the future; also refers to the 1855 and 1894 Edo/Tokyo earthquakes
Examples (47 in total)
I live in the capital.
Singapore is the capital of Singapore.
The capital of Japan is Tokyo.
What is the capital of the United States?
Paris is the capital of France.
London is the capital of England.
The capital of Italy is Rome.
The capital was bombed again and again.
The capital of Russia is Moscow.
The president fled from the capital.
What's the capital of Australia?
Bern is the capital of Switzerland.
Seoul is the capital of South Korea.
Beijing is the capital of China.
The capital of India is New Delhi.
Do you know the capital of Belgium?
What's the capital of Hungary?
What's the capital city of Finland?
The capital of Poland is Warsaw.
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.
Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.
I didn't know the capital of Sweden is Stockholm.
Helsinki is the capital of Finland.
Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark.
What is the capital of Haiti?
Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan.
Their capital was Cuzco for many years.
Tallinn is the capital of Estonia.
The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu.
The capital of Latvia is Riga.
Sacramento is the capital of California.
Canberra is the capital of Australia.
The capital of Brazil is Brasilia.
Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey.
The capital of Morocco is Rabat.
The rebels took control of the capital.
"What's the capital of Sri Lanka?" "Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte." "Correct!"
The city of Singapore is the capital of the Republic of Singapore.
I'm from Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.
Kyoto was an old capital of Japan.
As you know, Berlin is the capital of Germany.
My uncle lives in Madrid, the capital of Spain.
Have you ever been to Washington, the capital of the United States of America?
Then we visited Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States of America.
Cockburn Town is the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Vientiane is the capital of Laos.