1. hobby; pastime
2. tastes; preference; liking
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
bad taste (e.g. in clothes); poor taste
propensity to efface oneself; being prone to conceal one's talent
bad taste
in bad taste; vulgar; tasteless
interests and preferences
(school) girlish taste (for things that are sweet, cute, romantic, etc.); interest in young girls (rather than adult women)
in good taste; tasteful; (person) of refined taste; of cultivated tastes
in good taste; tasteful; (person) of refined taste; of cultivated tastes
in good taste; tasteful; having good taste; having a cultivated taste
in good taste; tasteful; having good taste; having a cultivated taste
having no hobbies; lacking interests; humdrum; tasteless; prosaic; vulgar
the ostentation (bad taste) of the nouveau riche; air of vulgar prosperity
having various interests; wide range of interests
nostalgia for the good old days; taste for the past; retro tastes
particular interest; fondness
being apt to make a show of one's faults; penchant for boasting of one's faults; pretending to be worse than one really is
taste for the exotic; infatuation with a foreign way of life; exoticism
propensity to put oneself in as bad a light as possible; being prone to act bad
pedantry; display of one's learning; being of a pedantic disposition
commonplace; vapid; insipid
the same interests
connoisseur; devotee
vulgar taste
disposition toward rejecting mundane affairs and enjoying nature and art
enjoying food, drink and entertainment in a small room
Examples (63 in total)
My job is my hobby.
It isn't my cup of tea.
Reading is my hobby.