1. means; way; measure
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
one's habitual practice; usual measure; old trick
to take steps (measures)
means of transportation; transport service
tough measure; firm step; strong measure
means of transportation; transportation system; way of getting around
means of communication
emergency measures
measures to defend oneself (for self-defense) (defence)
means of transportation; means of transport
means of labor; means of labour
means of communication; media of communication; organ of communication; tool of communication
means of production
to try everything; to leave no stone unturned
alternative means (alternate); alternative method
legal means; legal methods; legal measures
method of payment
coercive (high-handed) measure; strong-arm method
means of cajolement (trickery)
one's usual practice; one's old trick; one's usual modus operandi; the same old tactic
preventive measure
ruse; trick; deception tactics
Examples (25 in total)
It is not the means which matters, it is the end.
Every means has not been tried.
He could not take effective measures.