1. means; way; measure
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
one's habitual practice; usual measure; old trick
to take steps (measures)
Examples (25 in total)
It is not the means which matters, it is the end.
Every means has not been tried.
He could not take effective measures.
The end does not necessarily justify the means.
There's no way to get in touch with him.
He used all available means.
We used the following procedures in this experiment.
All possible means have been tried.
Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising.
It is better for you to act by legal means.
Leisure has been viewed as a means to an end.
He looked for every possible means of escape.
I have no means to get there tomorrow.
The countries concerned settled the dispute by peaceful means.
Television is a very important medium for giving information.
The quickest means of travel is by plane.
In fact, this is a major means of bureaucratic control.
We have to take steps to prevent air pollution.
In the desert, camels are more important than cars for transportation.
The government made no move to solve the housing problem.
The step they took provided at best a temporary solution to the problem.
However, only the human community has verbal languages as a means of communication.
We communicate by means of language.
Tax cuts are often used as a major fiscal tool to stimulate the economy.
I would rather be poor than make money by dishonest means.