Adjective (い)
1. weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled; weak (wine)
Pitch accent
Top 32300
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
weak; feeble; delicate; frail; helpless
weak; sickly
weak person; the weak
frail; having a weak constitution; being in poor health
weak-willed; easily pressured; pushover
frail; having a weak constitution; being in poor health
weak force; weak interaction
timid; faint of heart
timid; faint of heart
weak-headed; can't drink much; can't hold one's liquor; can't take one's drink; easily gets drunk
tenderhearted; faint of heart
dim witted; bird-brained; dullard
not good with figures
having a weak chest
Examples (28 in total)
I was weak.
You are weak.
I am weak in geography.