1. shaku (unit of distance approximately equal to 30.3 cm)
2. rule; measure; scale
3. length
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
measuring worm; inchworm; looper (caterpillar)
measuring rope with 'ken' (182cm) marked; measurement
geometer moth; geometrid
Tang shaku (approx. 29.6 cm)
gauge; standard; length; size; (measuring) rule; scale
shakuhachi; end-blown fippleless bamboo flute; blow job; fellatio
six feet; traditional Japanese G-string for men; palanquin bearer
reduced scale; scaling down
long (esp. of photographic film); lengthy
carpenter's square (for checking angles); common shaku (unit of distance; approx. 30.3 cm)
small plot of land
(tiny) house about nine feet wide and 12 feet deep
the highest state of one's enlightenment; the highest level one can attain
length; measure; short length
(something) tiny; trifle
immediate fellatio (no shower first)
surveyor's leveling pole (levelling)
in evil, there is odds; there is more evil than good in this world; one good thing tends to cause many bad things to happen
winter moth (Geometridae spp.)
curlew (any bird of genus Numenius)
full size
geometer moth; geometrid (of the Ennominae subfamily)
vernier; device with a vernier scale
small shaku (approx. 29.6 cm)
large shaku (approx. 35.6cm)
large shaku (approx. 35.6cm)
Zhou shaku (approx. 20 cm)