1. borrowing; debt; loan
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (51 in total)
to borrow; to take out
house for rent; rented house; renting a house
to borrow money; to call for loans
hermit crab; renting a house; tenant
borrowed thing
to borrow; to have a loan; to hire; to rent; to buy on credit
to hire; to lease; to requisition; to charter
rented room
lending and borrowing
take this opportunity (to apologize, thank, explain, etc.)
to borrow; to rent; to lease; to charter
borrowed clothes
to hire for exclusive use; to reserve; to charter
to overdraw
to pay back a debt; to have one's revenge; to settle a score; to get back at someone
borrowing without returning
rental fee; rent; hire charge
loan; lending and borrowing
kanji used for sound equivalence
leased land
house for rent; rented house; renting a house
someone who is suddenly quiet and meek; (lit.) borrowed cat
extremely busy; (lit.) wanting even the help of a cat
I owe you; I owe you one; I owe you a favor
borrower; debtor; tenant; lessee; renter
take this opportunity (to apologize, thank, explain, etc.)
borrowing (money)
borrower; debtor; tenant
debtor; debit; way of borrowing
borrowing something without returning it; mooching; welching
borrowing something without returning it; mooching; welching
reserving (for exclusive use); (full) booking; chartering; block reservation
conversion; refunding; renewal
to evade payment
running away from a debt
to convert (a loan)
to borrow
borrow digit
borrowed clothes
borrowing without returning
borrowed money
borrower; debtor; tenant
rented house
borrowed name
rented coaching stock; stock borrowing
end-around borrow
old woman ghost from the Kanto region
springtime mating of frogs (haiku term)
springtime mating of frogs (haiku term)
borrowing something without returning it; mooching
borrowing something without returning it; mooching
Examples (6 in total)
We owe you nothing.
How much do I owe you?
You must remember the fact that you owe her a lot.