1. person
rarely used without a qualifier
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (173 in total)
moron; idiot; stupid person
warrior; soldier; courageous person; strong person
bad guy; villain; evildoer; scoundrel
ruffian; villain; peculiar person; idiosyncratic person; tricky thing; something that is more than it seems
young man; young woman; young people; youth; youngsters
ordinary person
hooligan; layabout; good-for-nothing; gangster
dilettante; lecher; nymphomaniac
insolent fellow; rude fellow
stranger; outsider
outcast; odd man out; pariah
obstacle; hindrance; impediment; nuisance; bore; burden
eccentric; oddball; character; weirdo
cheater; unfaithful person; adulterer
great fool; utter fool; complete idiot; absolute moron
betrayer; traitor; turncoat; informer
impostor; imposter; pretender; liar
you; people
ruffian; scoundrel; rogue; rascal; villain; hoodlum
rude person; villain; blackguard; scoundrel; rogue; libertine
professional gambler; gangster; gang member; good-for-nothing; ne'er-do-well; hoodlum
careless person; thoughtless person
who; what kind of person
coward; dastard
dead person
contrary person; sourpuss; dog-in-the-manger
miscreant; scoundrel; villain
idiot; dummy; joker; fool; trickster
popular person; favorite; favourite
weak person; the weak
young man; young woman; young people; young employee; young manservant; young follower
countryman; provincial; person from the country; provincial person; bumpkin; hick
one's subordinate
fortunate person; lucky fellow; lucky dog
of all people; a person of ...'s standing
person of firm character; stable person; gutsy person
laughingstock; butt of ridicule
hard worker; hardworking person
newcomer; neophyte; novice; newbie
lazy person; lazy fellow; slothful person
timid person; coward
green hand; novice
honest person
young person; servant; errand boy in a samurai family; person of lowly status
burden; nuisance; bother; hanger-on; dependent; parasite
first come, first served; the early bird catches the worm
ruffian; rowdy (person)
sharp and able person
pilloried criminal exposed to public view; public scorn or humiliation; person shamed in front of others
thug; hooligan
person sought by the police; wanted person; fugitive from justice
stubborn person; bonehead; bullethead; pig-headed person
messenger; envoy; emissary
stranger; tramp; wanderer
inexperienced person; incompetent person; ignoramus
member of one's in-group (e.g. family member, colleague)
halfwit; blockhead; fool
inexperienced person; young person; novice; greenhorn
insensitive person
rioter; ruffian
traveler; traveller; stranger
lucky fellow
spy; secret agent
very strong person; brave warrior; veteran
(person treated as a) plaything
wise man
person who avoids others; social outcast
unmarried person; bachelor; spinster
former convict; old offender; ex-convict; person with a criminal record
imprudent (misguided) fellow
fool; blockhead; idiot; dunce
similar people
formidable person; shrewd person; certain person (e.g. whose name cannot be disclosed); someone; (arch.) that sort of person; (arch.) that kind of person
single (i.e. unmarried) person; someone alone
kabukimono; Edo-period samurai who attracted public attention with their eye-catching clothes, peculiar hairstyle, and eccentric behavior
debauchee; fast liver; libertine; hell-raiser
libertine; playboy; rake; lazy person
ruffian; scamp; hooligan; out-of-work person; day laborer without a job
mischief-maker; trickster; (arch.) lascivious person (esp. a loose woman); (arch.) useless fellow; (arch.) mouse; (arch.) rat
upstart; parvenu
boor; rustic; country bumpkin; lout
(the) haves; those who have
(one's) peers; people around one
dandy; fop
buffoon; jester
disloyal person
rude person; insolent person
careless person; absentminded person; thoughtless person
unfilial son; undutiful son; thankless son; unfilial daughter; undutiful daughter; thankless daughter
stranger; person from another place
slouch; lazybones
leading figure; prominent figure; big name; star actor (of a troupe)
performer; actor
youngster; young and immature person
honest person; conscientious person
selfish person
clever person
shirker; goof-off; goldbricker
pleasant person; attractive person; animal liked by all because of its cuteness
person whose presence is unwelcome, unnecessary or a nuisance; fifth wheel; third wheel; interloper
true Tokyoite; person born and raised in Edo
strong-willed person; old hand; shrewd rascal; strong man; brave man
clumsy person; bungler; person with no particular talents (in performing arts); nondrinker; nonsmoker
homeless person; tramp; vagrant; vagabond
scoundrel; rake
merchant house employee; tradesman
beggar; derelict; player; actor; actress
comical person
middle-aged person; person who changes his line in middle of life
live wire (a person)
thoughtless person
old person; old-fashioned person
person without a registered or fixed address
mentally deranged person; lunatic
person with a humble salary; person of a low condition
stubborn person
shallow thinker; indecisive person
person who gets easily elated (when praised, etc.); person who readily chimes in with others; person who gets carried away easily
someone (e.g. a woman) who is out of one's league; something beyond one's means
idiot; dummy; joker; fool; trickster
first-come-first-served basis
firefighter (Edo period); construction worker; scaffolding builder
lazybones; lay-about; good-for-nothing; idler
reception clerk
a drowning man will catch at a straw
actor; actress; someone who works at a theater
heaven helps those who help themselves
sham; fraud; counterfeit; impostor; pretender
take care of the penny; (lit.) he who makes fun of one yen will cry at one yen
unlucky person
happy-go-lucky person; easy-going person; optimist
person who does this; person who is like this; yakuza; gangster; idiot; moron
person who has been tattooed as a punishment for a crime (Edo period)
lucky person
content is the philosopher's stone, that turns all it touches into gold
wanted person
ultra-nationalist; hot-tempered person; stubborn person
impostor; liar
rash person; tomboy
dishonest person
onlookers; bystanders
take care of the penny; (lit.) he who makes fun of one sen will cry at one sen
jocular person
zeal is a bad servant; (lit.) the person who chases a deer does not see the mountain
no mortal escapes death; all men must die; (lit.) he who has life, certainly has death
rough man; rude man
beginner; novice
something cold (esp. a body); something used to cool one's stomach
female prostitute working at a bathhouse (Edo period)
flatterer; someone skilled at flattery
country bumpkin; someone from the same part of the country
nice person; good-natured person
immature person; person of low status
coquettish woman
Examples (62 in total)
He was the first to arrive.
Fortune favors the bold.
I talked with our sales people.