1. actually; really; truly; indeed
2. in practice; practically
Kanji used
Top 1100
Composed of
reality; actuality; practice (as opposed to theory); truly; really; bhutakoti (limit of reality)
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
Examples (41 in total)
But it's very strong actually.
What actually happened?
Was the money actually paid?
I actually use this.
What did she actually say?
But this is not true.
Is this really possible?
Did you actually see the accident?
He actually did it.
Our plan didn't work in practice.
She doesn't actually live in Deal.
Is the water in the Black Sea actually black?
Have you actually ever tried it?
Actually, the earth is getting warmer.
He hasn't actually been to America.
The actual cost was higher than the estimate.
He hasn't actually eaten caviar.
I'm not sure if this is actually true.
I think that you do know about that.
Is this in fact going to affect their relationships?
We didn't actually see the accident.
In reality, all they are interested in is power.
I know him by sight, but I have never actually spoken to him.
Does this medicine actually relieve pain?
Mary didn't actually do what she said she'd do.
In practice, ability counts for more than effort.
His statement corresponded to what actually took place.
In England spring really begins with the first of May.
I know him by name but I have never actually spoken to him.
We spend piles of money on the things we don't really use.
Everybody is supposed to know the law, but few people really do.
Actually, this method has plenty of room for improvement.
Have you ever run into someone you met on the Internet?
Tom doesn't know what's really going on.
Snoring and excessive smoking are indeed related.
I'll demonstrate how this machine works.
In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult.
Packaging can actually prevent certain kinds of waste.
There are some people who enjoy work - in fact, they love to work.
The best way to know a foreign country is to go there yourself.
That idea seems good but it needs to be tried out.