Verb (する)
1. experiment
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
laboratory testing bench; laboratory table; subject of an experiment; (human) guinea pig
human experiment; human experimentation; experiment on a living person
proving ground; test site
laboratory animal; experimental animal
experimental results
material for experiments; experimental material
thought experiment; gedankenexperiment
experiments using animals; in-vivo testing; animal testing
experimental stage; experimental phase
proof-of-concept; demonstration experiment; verification test
identifying a severed head; checking a person's identity
experimental device; experimental equipment
chemical experiment; chemistry experiment
medical experiment on a living person or animal
nuclear (bomb) test
experimenter; researcher
scientific experiment
experimental psychology
test period; experimental period
empirical science
laboratory; testing station; research facility
psychological experiment
control experiment
experimental physics
test results
experimentalism (philosophy, esp. Dewey); experientialism
experimental novel
trial system; test system; prototype
experimental phenomenology
experimental group
empirical formula
experimental embryology
lab test; in-house test
test network
Michelson-Morley experiment (1887)
critical experiment (in nucleonics)
Hawthorne studies; Hawthorne research; Hawthorne effect
experimental design; design of experiments
positivism (philosophy); experimentalism
Examples (55 in total)
The experiment was a success.
The experiment ended in failure.
He continued the experiment.