Adjective (の)
1. disease; ailment; illness
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
mental disorder; mental disease
heart disease
autoimmune disorder
chronic disease; chronic illness
internal disease
hereditary disease; hereditary disorder
respiratory illness
underlying disease; primary illness; underlying condition
genetic disorder
cerebrovascular disease
cardiovascular disease
diseases specified by the Japanese government as being worrisome, having no known treatment and of unknown causes
systemic disease; systemic disorder
eye disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD
hemolytic disease of the newborn (haemolytic); erythroblastosis fetalis
coronary artery disease; coronary heart disease; CAD
degenerative disease
vascular disease; valvular disease
dental disease
motor neurone disease; MND
human disease model (e.g. using experimental animals)
demyelinating disease
neuromuscular disease
systemic disease; systemic disorder
Examples (2 in total)
Some diseases are caused by a defective gene.
Chicken pox is a common childhood disease.