Verb (する)
1. disappointment; despair
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
feeling of disappointment; sense of dismay
being disappointed and disheartened
Examples (22 in total)
I was disappointed with the new product.
I was disappointed in her.
We were disappointed in him.
I'm very disappointed in you.
Last night's concert was disappointing.
I'm very disappointed in you, Tom.
They were disappointed that you could not come.
She was disappointed with the result.
I was disappointed at there being so little to do.
We were disappointed because we could not carry out our plan.
His lecture disappointed us.
I was disappointed at her absence.
Her disappointment was apparent to everyone.
He was very much disappointed at the news.
A wise man once said, life is a series of disappointments.
We were more or less disappointed about the election.
If nobody knows what's coming next, nobody will be disappointed.
Why are there disappointments in human life?
We were disappointed to hear that she had married him.
To our great disappointment, the game was called off.
Corporate earnings for the first quarter were disappointing.
You can trust John. He will never let you down.