Verb (する)
1. resignation
Pitch accent
Composed of
address (e.g. opening or closing remarks); speech; ci (Chinese literary form); ancillary word
job; work; duties; trade; skill
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
mass resignation
(written) resignation; letter of resignation
Examples (12 in total)
The chairman is going to resign.
Jack resigned from his job in despair.
The minister had to resign.
The Prime Minister resigned yesterday.
I have no intention of resigning.
The president of the university is likely to resign.
There is no reason why he should resign.
The news of the mayor's resignation traveled fast.
The minister was obliged to resign from the cabinet.
He said that if Smith was elected, he would resign.
To our great surprise, he suddenly resigned.
He wishes to resign on the grounds that his health is failing.