1. dictionary; lexicon
2. letter of resignation
Pitch accent
Composed of
address (e.g. opening or closing remarks); speech; ci (Chinese literary form); ancillary word
book; document; calligraphy (esp. Chinese); penmanship; handwriting; letter
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
to consult a dictionary
electronic dictionary
Examples (126 in total)
It's a dictionary.
Have you a dictionary today?
Whose dictionary is this?
I want to buy this dictionary.
This is a good dictionary.
I have a dictionary.
I want to buy a cheap dictionary.
Which dictionary did you refer to?
This is Tom's dictionary.
I don't have money to buy a dictionary.
I'll lend you this dictionary.
You have a dictionary, don't you? Can I use it?
I have a good dictionary.
This dictionary isn't very good.
I have exactly the same dictionary.
Isn't that your dictionary?
I want a good dictionary.
The dictionary is right over there.
Is this the dictionary you're looking for?
You can use my dictionary.
I gave my sister a dictionary.
Bring me the dictionary.
You may use either of the dictionaries.
No, but I'll look it up in the dictionary.
This dictionary is very useful.
I haven't my dictionary at hand.
This dictionary is written in English.
Another thing that is required is a dictionary.
I left my dictionary downstairs.
Look up the phrase in your dictionary.
Writers often refer to a dictionary.
This dictionary is nearly useless.
Compiling a dictionary demands an enormous amount of time.
This dictionary is by far the best.
I can't do without this dictionary.
That word's not in the dictionary.
The examples in this dictionary are easy to understand.
This is the same dictionary as I have.
I want the same dictionary as you have.
You may always use my dictionary.
Why did you buy such an expensive dictionary?
This is the dictionary I told you about yesterday.
He forgot to give back my dictionary.
He hid his dictionary out of sight.
He wants to get a new dictionary.
I chose this dictionary of my own accord.
This dictionary contains a lot of information.
Let's look it up in the dictionary.
This is the dictionary I use every day.
I have no money to buy the dictionary.
The dictionary on the desk is mine.
I can't give this dictionary to anyone.
Which dictionary do you often use?
Would you lend your dictionary to me?
That word isn't in my dictionary.
This dictionary is as useful as that one.
We use a dictionary to look up the meaning of words.
You should learn how to use your dictionary.
This dictionary has been of great use to me.
This is a good dictionary for high school students.
There is a dictionary on the desk.
This dictionary is well adapted for beginners.
This is the very dictionary that I have been looking for.
Can I use this dictionary of yours?
You are free to use this dictionary.
Always have your dictionary near at hand.
Keep a good dictionary at hand.
Do you have an extra English dictionary by any chance?
Whose is the dictionary on the table?
I really need an easy to carry dictionary that's compact.
I have a dictionary in my hand.
Anyone may use this dictionary.
I cannot do without a dictionary.
"Can I use your dictionary?" "Yes, here you are."
Not every student has a dictionary.
I have the same dictionary as your brother.
"May I use your dictionary?" "By all means."
Do we need to bring our dictionaries to class tomorrow?
I want the same dictionary that your sister has.
Please feel free to use my dictionary.
She had to use her dictionary many times.
I think this dictionary will be of great help to me.
It is a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary.
Not every word in this dictionary is important.
There's still plenty of room for improvement in dictionaries.
If you come across an unfamiliar word, look it up in your dictionary.
Those who learn English cannot do without English dictionaries.
The teacher recommended this dictionary to us.
He bought pencils, notebooks, dictionaries and so on.
If there's a cheap kanji dictionary in Japan, I will buy it.
This dictionary will be of great help to you.
We should make good use of dictionaries when studying a foreign language.
First of all, you must look it up in the dictionary.
Miss March gave me an English dictionary.
He was at a loss to explain where he had put the dictionary.
Always keep this dictionary handy.
This dictionary is very expensive, but is worth buying.
This is the best dictionary there is in the library.
This is the largest dictionary there is in this library.
She has the kindness to lend me a good dictionary.
When you come across new words, you must look them up in your dictionary.
Whatever language you study, you cannot do without a dictionary.
Why did she buy this expensive dictionary?
If you are not sure about the meaning of the word, look it up in your dictionary.
When he writes English, he often consults the dictionary.
My sister asked me to lend her the dictionary.
What's "femininity"? That word's not in my dictionary.
I always keep several dictionaries at hand.
I like to have my dictionary within easy reach.
I wasn't able to find a Portuguese dictionary in this bookstore.
To my surprise, he didn't know how to use the dictionary.
Even if it costs 10,000 yen, I must buy the dictionary.
Our teacher permitted us to use a dictionary during the test.
I can not do without this dictionary even for a single day.
If you want to know how a certain word is used, look it up in this dictionary.
When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand.
A dictionary is an excellent reference book.
You have three dictionaries.
Tom has three French dictionaries.
The revision of this dictionary took six years.
A talking dictionary is no longer a fantasy.
This dictionary contains not less than fifty thousand words.
Five thousand yen is enough to buy this dictionary.
This dictionary contains about 40,000 headwords.
The largest English dictionary has over 450,000 words.
What's "manliness"? That word's not in our dictionaries.