Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. suicide
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
person who has committed suicide
suicide by throwing oneself to one's death; leaping to one's death
following someone's example, and committing suicide
suicidal act; self-destroying action; suicidal action
attempted suicide
suicide by jumping (e.g. from a tall building)
suicidal tendency; suicidal wish
to attempt suicide
group suicide; mass suicide; arranged suicide of two or more people
self-immolation; burning oneself to death; suicide by fire
suicide by drowning
suicide by drowning
poison suicide; suicide by poisoning
committing suicide by throwing oneself in front of an onrushing train
suicide by hanging
(the crime of) aiding and abetting a suicide
charcoal-burning suicide
faked suicide; sham suicide; pseudocide
gas suicide; suicide by inhalation of gas
suicide brought on by excessive overwork
killing oneself out of despair (for life)
suicide prevention
suicide caused by bullying or harassment; bullying-related suicide
group suicide; mass suicide; arranged suicide of two or more people
Examples (33 in total)
It's suicide.
She tried to commit suicide.
She was on the verge of killing herself.