Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
Usually written in kana
1. desperation; despair; self-abandonment
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (50 in total)
to become desperate; to give in to despair
complete desperation
heartburn; sour stomach
heartburn; sour stomach
frostbite; chilblains
sunburn; suntan; tan; becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper); yellowing
to burn
reek of desperation; feeling of desperation
to become desperate; to give way to despair
to be hideously burned; to be burned raw
burnt field
to burn to a crisp; to scorch
charred stake; ember
evening glow; red sunset; afterglow (of sunset)
to become desperate; to give way to despair
(sense of) desperation
reek of desperation; feeling of desperation
burn hole; scorch
facial flushing; drink-reddened face; having a hoarse voice after drinking; raspiness caused by over-drinking
burning-hot tongs; red-hot tongs
sunburn; suntan; tan; becoming discolored from the sun (e.g. paper); yellowing
total fire loss; completely burned
to be burned down
morning glow; sunrise colors; sunrise colours
to escape being burned (esp. of a building or the items in it); to survive a fire
half-roasted; half-baked; rare
heartburn; sour stomach
to be burnt to death
drowning one's cares in drink
ruins of a fire; fire-devastated area
heartburn; sour stomach
burnt field; burnt area
facial flushing; drink-reddened face; having a hoarse voice after drinking; raspiness caused by over-drinking
hot stone; heated stone
half-burnt; half-done; half-baked; rare
tanned by the sun and sea breezes
being tanned by sunlight reflected from snow; snow-burn
to burn up completely
drowning one's cares in drink
burnt mountain; dormant volcano
damage to skin by ceruse
mountain fire; bush fire
farmer's tan
freezer burn; freezerburn
charring; something charred
a burn hole
rocky-shore denudation; sea desertification; disappearance of useful coastal seaweeds due to environmental factors
sunscald; leaf scald; leaf scorch