1. oneself
2. oneself; for oneself; personally; in person
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
with one's own hands
by choice; of one's own free will; on one's own initiative; off one's own bat
heaven helps those who help themselves
Examples (18 in total)
He is digging his own grave.
They brought trouble on themselves.
The President himself addressed us.
The governor appeared on TV in person.
You should have attended the meeting in person.
She attributed her success to luck.
However the protagonist is aware of his own mistakes.
They blamed themselves for being wrong.
I hate myself for my own error.
The king will appear in person tomorrow evening.
People usually don't like what they can't understand.
She wrote the book about people she visited.
Volunteers collected donations for the benefit of the handicapped.
She naturally sacrificed everything for the sake of raising her children.
We have to transmit our culture to the next generation.
He intends to devote his life to curing the sick in India.
God helps those who help themselves.
By the age of seven, he had already made his own bow and arrows.