1. period; epoch; era; age
2. the times; those days
3. oldness; ancientness; antiquity
4. antique; period piece
Pitch accent
Composed of
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
charge; cost; generation; age; era; a representative of; on behalf of
Used in vocabulary (118 in total)
old-fashioned; antiquated; anachronistic
old-fashioned; behind the times; out-of-date; antiquated
Warring States period (of Japanese history, approx. 1467-1568 CE); Sengoku period; Warring States period (of Chinese history, 403-221 BCE); era of vicious competition
modern times; the modern age; this day and age
Dark Ages; dark age
primitive times
old-fashioned; antiquated; anachronistic
Edo period (1603-1868)
one's high school days
historical play; period drama
Heian period (794-1185)
new era; new period; new age; new epoch
Meiji period (1868-1912)
the same age; same period
in all ages; over the ages; forever and ever
Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)
Jōmon period (ca. 14000-1000 BCE)
trend of the times; way things are going
one's youth; one's youthful days (years); the flower of one's youth; the springtime of one's life
Muromachi period (1333-1573)
premodern; old-fashioned; outmoded; antiquated
Taishō period (1912-1926); Taisho period
(one's) youth; one's younger days
to be antique-looking
Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)
historical novel
Nara period (710-794 CE)
Age of Discovery; Age of Exploration
Tokugawa period (i.e. the Edo period, 1603-1867)
Dynastic period (the Nara period and esp. the Heian period, characterized by the rule of the emperor as opposed to shogunate)
historical background
in all ages; over the ages; forever and ever
feudal era; feudal times; feudal period; feudal age; age of feudalism
Nanbokuchō period (of Japan; 1336-1392); period of the Northern and Southern courts; period of the Northern and Southern dynasties (of China; 5th-6th c.)
the good old days; halcyon days
antique; historical object; pre-Meiji period drama; period piece
Tenpyō period (esp. used as a period of art history, 710-794 CE)
Kofun period (of Japanese history, 250-538 CE); Tumulus period
background research; research into the period
Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600)
Three Kingdoms period (of Chinese history, 220 CE-280 CE); Three Kingdoms period (of Korean history, 57 BCE-668 CE)
Paleolithic; Palaeolithic; Old Stone Age
Shōwa period (1926-1989); Showa period
prehistoric era; prehistoric times; prehistory
bubble era (of Japan; 1986-1991)
the classical period
the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period (Chinese history)
Gempei period (late 11th century-late 12th century CE)
spirit of the age; zeitgeist
Momoyama period (latter half of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, approx. 1583-1600)
Spring and Autumn period (of Chinese history, approx. 770-403 BCE)
Heisei period (January 8, 1989-April 30, 2019)
the shogunate period; the days of the shogunate regime
Festival of the Ages (held at Heian Jingu Shrine in Kyoto on October 22); Jidai Festival
feudal period (characterized by the rule of the shogunate, 1185-1867); age of militarist government
division of history into periods; periodization (in history)
ice age; glacial period
phases of the age (times)
thought of the times
historical times; historical period
sensitivity to the times; sense of the times
Hakuho period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 645-710 CE)
geological age; geological era
characteristics of an age
Jōgan period (of art history, 859-877 CE)
Keien period (between the end of the Russo- Japanese War and the Taisho Political Crisis, approx. 1905-1912)
Tanuma period (1767-1786 CE)
honeymoon period (e.g. between two countries)
Han dynasty (China, 202 BCE-220 CE)
one's dark days; the period during which one suffered misfortune and obscurity
Higashiyama period (cultural and artistic period of the mid-Muromachi)
Rashidun period (the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, 632-661 CE)
Great Interregnum (gap between Hohenstaufen and Habsburg rule of the Holy Roman Empire, approx. 1254-1273 CE)
Ritsuryo period (mid 7th-10th centuries CE)
prehistoric period
Yamato period (300-550 CE)
current era of excessive eating; era in which there is more than enough food; age of plenty; age of plentiful food
Ōgosho period (between the Kansei Reforms and the Tempo Reforms, approx. 1787-1843)
the present era
preceramic period
Bunka-Bunsei period (approx. 1804-1830 CE)
era of Japanese imperialism (esp. Korea)
to move along with the times
abuses of the times
era during the 1950s dominated by grand champions Tochinishiki and Wakanohana I
era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
era at the turn of 1960s into 70s dominated by grand champions Kitanofuji and Tamanoumi
era during mid-1970s dominated by grand champions Wajima and Kitanoumi
era during mid-1990s dominated by grand champions Akebono and Takanohana II
era during 1960s dominated by grand champions Taiho and Kashiwado
era during early 1900s dominated by the grand champions Hitachiyama and Umegatani II
protohistory (the period between prehistory and history)
Copper Age (period in which metal tools started to be used alongside stone tools)
preceramic period
Amarna period (of Egyptian history)
Metal Age (i.e. the Bronze Age and the Iron Age)
Chalcolithic period (i.e. the Copper Period)
Age of Discovery
to be up-to-date; to be relevant; to respond to the times
Great Tribulation
Examples (56 in total)
The wrong time, the wrong place.
We were roommates in college.
He was really a child of his times.