1. character (esp. kanji); letter; written text
2. handwriting; penmanship
3. the ... word (e.g. "the L word" = "love")
as 〜の字
Kanji used
a character
Pitch accent
Top 2300
Used in vocabulary (187 in total)
letter (of alphabet); character; writing
numeral; figure; digit; numeric character
kanji; Chinese character
cross; crossed; cruciform
straight line; beeline
(being in) the red; deficit; red letter; red writing; corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red
shape of the "dai" kanji (esp. person with arms and legs outstretched); sprawling; lying spread-eagled
printing type; movable type; printed text; print
figure eight; figure of eight; shape of "hachi", the kanji for eight
misprint; misspelling; typo; typographical error; erratum
(one) letter; (one) character
appearance of written words; impression given by written letters, characters, etc.; literal meaning (of a piece of writing); superficial meaning; face (of a printing type)
appearance of written words; impression given by written letters, characters, etc.; literal meaning (of a piece of writing); superficial meaning; face (of a printing type)
most satisfactory
(being in) the black; surplus; black letter
subtitles; captioning
written form
printing; typing; printed character; typed character; character(s) carved onto a seal
omitted character; omitted letter
character style; character form
two characters; name
Latin alphabet; Roman alphabet; romaji; romanized Japanese; system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet
form of a character (e.g. simplified, traditional); type; typeface; font
nine-character charm chanted with ritual gestures to ward off evil (esp. by mountain ascetics and adherents of Esoteric Buddhism)
(formation of) three people sleeping side by side (esp. a child between two parents); (lit.) "river" character
abbreviated form of a Chinese character; simplified character; acronym; abbreviation
English letter; alphabetic character
to bend over in the shape of the hiragana character ku; to bend forward from the waist to form a chevron shape
four-character compound word (esp. idiomatic)
boldface; bold-type; thick characters
loop; shape of a hiragana "no"
number of characters; number of letters
figure eight; figure of eight
script used to write Sanskrit (esp. Siddham)
letter "T"; T-shaped
kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character; kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading
swastika (esp. counterclockwise form as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; gammadion; swastika-shaped family crest
wording; words and phrases; way of expression; token
title lettering
meaning of a word; sense of a word
alphanumeric character
the L-word (i.e. love); being in love
unit of five (in tallies, etc.)
number of characters per line, page, etc.
small type or handwriting
small type or handwriting
hypermeter; excess syllables in haiku, waka, etc.
strokes in a Chinese character; stroke count of a Chinese character
first letter; first letters; initial
Japanese pronunciation of a kanji (based on adopted Chinese pronunciations)
dictionary of Chinese characters; kanji dictionary
dictionary of Chinese characters; kanji dictionary; dictionary
gold or gilt letters
variant character; variant form of a character (esp. kanji)
external character; user-defined character; kanji not included in the jōyō or jinmeiyō list; foreign letters (esp. of a western language); foreign writing
kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character; kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading
the L-word (i.e. love); being in love
pen writing; character written with a pen
character written in a cursive style
the six written characters of Buddha's name (used in prayer)
old character form; traditional form of kanji used in Japan before 1946
first Sanskrit alphabet letter (in esoteric Buddhism symbolizes the source of all things)
using characters
slender character
single letter; single character
to make a typo; to type the wrong character
simplified Chinese character
correctly written character; kanji used with its original meaning; traditional kanji; unsimplified kanji
rounded handwriting
finely trimmed moustache
Japanese character (i.e. kana, kanji)
the one-character reply ("no") offered by Zhaozhou to the question "Does a dog have Buddha nature?"
character written by brush; brush-stroke character
printed characters (as opposed to Braille)
newly created character; newly introduced (kanji) character (in a textbook); new character form; shinjitai
kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character; kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading
distinctive character used in the names of all people belonging to a single clan or lineage
waka, haiku, etc. with insufficient syllables
finely trimmed moustache
the same character
carving characters; carved characters
kanji (as opposed to kana); original form of a Chinese character (as opposed to a simplified or abbreviated form); Chinese character from which another Chinese character derives
space between letters or characters; inter-character space
mouth shaped like a kana "he" character; mouth turned down at the corners
kanji (as opposed to kana); printed style (of writing Chinese characters); square style; block style
kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character; kanji used for their meaning, irrespective of reading
native Japanese characters (i.e. hiragana and katakana); kana; kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); Japanese-made kanji
omission of a character; omitted character; blank type; insertion of blank spaces before and after the names of dignitaries (as a sign of respect)
the Japanese reading of a kanji
characters used by Western civilization (esp. the Latin alphabet)
informal variant of a Chinese character; popular form of a Chinese character
honor tiles
clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character); ditto mark
syllabary; phonetic symbol
designing a font; creating a new character not currently available
writing style used to write the rankings
beginning character or characters that uniquely identify a poem in the Hyakunin Isshu (esp. used in competitive karuta)
kana iteration mark
traditional Chinese character; unsimplified Chinese character
kanji meaning interpretation
explanation of a kanji
acronym; initialism
different character; other character; variant character; different written form of a character
European letters; Latin script
seal script character
Latin alphabet; Roman alphabet; romaji; romanized Japanese; system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet
character written in a cursive style
punctuation words in haiku, renga, etc. such as "ya", "kana", "keri", etc.
incorrectly written character; kanji written with the wrong strokes; wrongly used kanji
incorrectly written character; kanji written with the wrong strokes; wrongly used kanji
the six written characters of Buddha's name (used in prayer)
great six-syllable mantra ("om mani padme hum")
kanji iteration mark
lake shaped like the kanji "heart" character (traditional Japanese gardens)
different letter; different character; different spelling
iteration mark shaped like the hiragana "ku" (used in vertical writing to represent repetition of two or more characters)
call sign (esp. maritime); distinctive letters
character class (e.g. distinct kanji character and its alternative written forms)
origin of a character; composition of a Chinese character; Chinese character from which a kana character is derived
bound hand and foot; hedged in (e.g. by restrictions); immobile
kanji representing verb or adjective
designing a font; creating a new character not currently available
native Japanese characters (i.e. hiragana and katakana); kana; kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); Japanese-made kanji
kanji used for sound equivalence
iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character); ditto mark
decisive character (Chinese poetry)
substitute kanji; jōyō kanji used in place of a non-jōyō kanji
large character; alternative kanji used for numbers (esp. in financial contexts)
character writing direction
superscript diacritics; diacritical marks above letters
traditional Chinese character; unsimplified Chinese character
iteration mark used to represent repetition of the previous kanji (to be read using its kun'yomi)
conversion; converted character
kanji character with a concrete meaning
kanji composed entirely of duplicate radicals
non-jōyō kanji; kanji outside the common-use kanji list
made-up kanji; Chinese character of one's own creation; arranging a group of things or people to form a character; (arch.) kanji created in Japan (as opposed to China); (arch.) Japanese-made kanji
furigana where kana is associated each character of a compound
auspicious characters (used in people or place names)
internal character
logotype; kanji compound
entry kanji in a kanji dictionary
substitute kanji; kanji used in place of another with the same meaning
simplified Chinese character
auxiliary character (in kanbun)
substitute kanji; kanji used in place of another with the same meaning
Chinese four-character phrase or idiomatic expression
hanging scroll
difficult character; complicated kanji
iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character); ditto mark
character of questionable form
similar kanji
iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character); ditto mark
comic font; rounded handwriting
type of lettering consisting of thick vertical and horizontal lines which is often used in seals
Chinese character
simplification of a kanji
iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character)
oblique letter; slanting character
rhyming words
star duckweed (Lemna trisulcata); ivy duckweed
Examples (8 in total)
I apologize for my bad handwriting.
He can read well.
She has beautiful handwriting.