1. thread; yarn; string
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (84 in total)
fretsaw; coping saw; jigsaw
cypress (Cupressus sp.)
red string of fate; in Chinese-Japanese folklore, fated lovers were said to be joined by an unseen red string, tied around one little finger of each
tubifex worm
damselfly (Zygoptera spp.); demoiselle
yarn seller
fine line; weight of thread; slit-eyed
dupion silk; silk that comes from a double cocoon formed jointly by two or more silkworms
spool (of thread); reel; bobbin; tuning peg
fishing line
raw silk thread
spider's thread; spider silk
knitting wool; woolen yarn; woollen yarn
silk thread
fine thread
lint (as in a clothes dryer or a pocket); waste thread; fibers, such as might wrap around the gears in small mechanisms and cause them to jam; fluff
weft; woof (crosswise threads on a loom)
weft; woof (crosswise threads on a loom)
telephone made from two cans and a piece of string
stringlike; thready; linear; filamentous; filiform
embroidery thread
(weaving) warp
konnyaku cut into fine threads; konjac noodles
hemp yarn; linen thread
white thread
colored thread; coloured thread
kite string
cotton thread
twisting (thread, etc.); twisted yarn; twisted thread; twine
fishing line
sewing thread; suture
cloth woven from twisted silk yarn
fine thread; fine yarn; filament
tacking; basting (thread)
reeled thread
stretching out a string; stretching out like a string; silk reeling; silk spinning; pulling someone's strings; appearance of strings from a Buddha's fingertips when being prayed to (folk belief)
colored thread; coloured thread; thread of cat's cradle; heddle thread
thin strips of raw fish and squid
(spun) silk thread; spun thread (wool, etc.)
dyed thread or yarn
braid; braided thread or cord
itobin; 17th century male hairstyle (shaved forehead, chignon, sideburns thinned to the size of a thread)
marionette manipulation
kanji "thread" radical at left; textile industry
thread guard (e.g. in a spinning machine)
third string (of a shamisen, etc.)
sewing cotton
silk reeling; silk spinning; filature; silk reeler; silk spinner
flax yarn
weeping willow
bottom rim of cup or bowl
dental floss
knotted silk
waste thread
woman factory worker in weaving industry
low count yarn; thick thread
glossy silk thread (made from raw silk treated in a solution to dissolve the sericin)
silk or paper with cotton threads
top component of the kanji "thread" radical
first string (of a shamisen, etc.)
groove in a shamisen player's fingernail caused by the friction of the string of the instrument; someone's ability to play the shamisen
purple; violet
vortex filament; vortex line
small pondweed (Potamogeton pusillus)
medium-sized thread
inked marking string
reel; spool
drawn thread
chain of yarn
(musical) strings and bamboo
cashmere yarn
gassed yarn
chenille; chenille yarn
Yucca smalliana (species of yucca)
spinneret (of a spider)
second string (of a shamisen, etc.)
light chamfering (engineering)
coarse silk from the outside of a cocoon (a type of waste thread)
tightly twisted thread
Examples (8 in total)
The threads got tangled.
Don't you have a needle and some thread?
This thread tangles easily.