1. death; decease
2. death penalty (by strangulation or decapitation)
3. (an) out
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (189 in total)
cause of death
death in battle
to be dead; to be lifeless
(nearly certain) death; extremely dangerous place (or situation) from which one might not return alive; proper place to die; dilemma; predicament
death from disease; death from illness
unnatural death; accidental death; violent death
death by drowning
brain death
crushing to death
life and death
death; mortality; to die; to pass away
dying while traveling; dying while abroad
dying; death; dead; useless; damned
immortality; eternal life; undeath; undead
after death
waning moon
(on the) verge of death
certain death
karoshi; death from overwork
fatal disease
life and death; life or death
death in agony
dying of cuteness; dying from seeing something that makes one's heart go pitter-patter
death due to shock (triggered by blood loss, heart failure or other causes)
sudden death
at the risk of one's life; even if (I) die; even if it kills one (me, him, etc.); at all costs; no matter what; as long as I live
die of old age
the four inevitables in human life (birth, aging, sickness, and death)
exerting oneself to the utmost, prepared to die if necessary
dying in vain
dead body; corpse; cadaver; carcass
dead person; (the) deceased; (the) dead; casualties
corpse; dead person
(dead) body; corpse; carcass; remains
instant death
blind spot (e.g. of a driver); dead angle; dead ground; dead space
life and death
life and death; samsara (cycle of death and rebirth); death
death penalty; capital punishment
spirit of a dead person; ghost; departed soul
to prepare for death; to get ready to die
casualties; the killed and wounded
capital crime; crime resulting in a death penalty
accidental death
borderline between life and death; verge of death; deadline (boundary around a prison which prisoners were not allowed to cross)
demon of death
to commit suicide; to end one's life; (lit.) to choose death
fear of death
to approach (one's) death; to face (one's) death
playing dead; feigning death; playing possum
playing dead; feigning death; playing possum
time of death; one's final hour; one's end
death by suffocation; death by choking
putrid smell of a corpse
sudden death
dead flesh; carrion
death from explosion; death from bombing; bombing (in sales); flopping
to let die
look of death; shadow of death
suicide; apoptosis
dying from blood loss; bleeding to death; hemorrhaging to death
to mourn over the death of
plunging to one's death; death from a fall
desperate effort
dead language; extinct language; obsolete word; word that has become passé
death from prostration; death from emaciation
mysterious death
dying alone (esp. of someone who lives alone and dies of natural causes at home without anyone knowing); solitary death
hoarding; storing away (without using)
sudden death
as good as dead; might as well be dead; more dead than alive
postmortem lividity
unnatural death; violent death
(death by) electrocution
(dying of) natural causes
death (and entering the hereafter)
(you) couldn't kill (him) if you tried
undetermined manner of death; suspicious death
death by falling
ptomaine poisoning
life and death
life and death
die all together; go to the grave together
execution; death by execution
large number of deaths; massive fatalities
deadly disease; fatal disease; final illness
death in jail; death in prison
empty eyes; thousand-yard stare; blank glaze; expressionless look; (lit.) eyes of a dead fish
death from poisoning
adipocere (waxy substance formed by the decomposition of corpses subjected to moisture); grave wax
fatal situation
merchant of death; arms dealer
dying of cuteness; dying from seeing something that makes one's heart go pitter-patter
death march
bleeding to death
lovers' suicide; double suicide
dead city; ghost town
fate; life or death
necrophilia; necrophilism
dance of death; danse macabre
dead thing; useless item
feigning death; playing possum; tonic immobility; thanatosis; apparent death
death during surgery; intra-operative death; operational death
place of death; place to die
dying while traveling; dying while abroad
lethal radioactive fallout; atomic dust
death with dignity; natural death (as opposed to extending one's life unnaturally with life support)
extinct volcano
falling dead; perishing; dying
death of God (in philosophy)
dying in prison
heat death (i.e. of the universe)
cardiac death
two out; two down (and one to go)
place of execution
dying insane
for a family line to become extinct; to die
dead point
pitch that hits the batter
death by (child) abuse; (child) abuse resulting in death
narrowly averting death
vote for a losing candidate; wasted vote
dead child; stillborn child
inevitability of death (one of the four kinds of suffering); death pains; agony of death
unnatural death
to commute a death sentence to life imprisonment
exerting oneself to the utmost, prepared to die if necessary
once you're dead, that's it
The Death of Socrates
weakening pulse; exhausted (mining) vein
the instant of death
when the enemy is defeated, the victorious soldiers can be killed off; (lit.) when the nimble rabbit dies, the hunting dog is cooked
no outs
dead letter; meaningless writing
accidental death (esp. while climbing mountains or being shipwrecked)
three outs
death by strangulation; ligature strangulation
A Kiss Before Dying (1991 film)
cell death
dead axle
dying of cancer
dying alone (esp. of someone who lives alone and dies of natural causes at home without anyone knowing); solitary death
death from infection
dead weight; dead load; static load
crying over spilt milk; (lit.) counting the age of one's dead child
give me liberty, or give me death
The Death of Virgil
burning to death
to be determined to do or die; to never give up until one is dead
racking up unmanageably large mobile data costs; bill shock; (lit.) death by packet; being subjected to download speed restrictions (as a result of exceeding one's monthly mobile data allowance)
once you're dead, that's it
once you're dead, that's it
killed vaccine
no mortal escapes death; all men must die; (lit.) he who has life, certainly has death
death by physical trauma; violent death; exogenous death; death by an external cause
interphase death
death by hanging
disaster-related death; catastrophe-related death
earthquake-related death
group of death; tournament group containing many strong teams
wrongful death; death caused by violent crime
old soldiers never die; they just fade away
birth is the beginning of death
birth is the beginning of death
death from natural causes
home death; dying at home
The Death of Marat
Danton's Death
The Death of Sardanapalus
Dead Parrot sketch
Highway of Death
Death of Adolf Hitler
Death of Kurt Cobain
The Death of Cleopatra
dying in a fit of anger; fainting
Examples (63 in total)
I'm afraid of death.
Death is certain to come to everybody.
Death is the antithesis of life.