1. index; index number; exponent (e.g. in floating-point representation); characteristic
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
intelligence quotient; IQ
discomfort index; temperature-humidity index
exponential function
stock price index
consumer price index; CPI
price index
diffusion index; DI
composite index (stock exchange); aggregate index; all-items index; CI
cost of living index
coincident indicator
leading indicator
rice-crop index
industrial production index; IPI
wholesale price index; WPI
exponent portion; characteristic (e.g. in floating-point representation)
plasticity index
sun protection index
economic index
diffusion index; DI; business sentiment index
colour index; color index
human development index
global peace index; GPI
exponential operator
exponential distribution
characteristic of a logarithm
index of capacity utilization ratio; ICUR; capacity utilization index; operating rate index
business index; business barometer
consumer confidence index; CCI; consumer attitude index
wet bulb globe temperature index; WBGT index; heat stress index