1. finger; toe; digit
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
thumb; big toe
finger stall; fingerstall; finger cot; rubber finger tip; rubber thimble; thimblette
(finger) ring
getting one's finger caught (e.g. in a door); getting one's finger pinched; jamming one's finger in a door; yakuza finger-cutting ritual
index finger; forefinger; second toe
pinky swear; pinky promise; hooking each other's little fingers to confirm a promise
bowing while pressing three fingers of each hand on floor
three-toed sloth
two-toed sloth (Choloepus sp.)
fingertip; finger; toe tip; toe
little finger; pinky; little toe
middle finger; long finger; second finger; middle toe; third toe
ring finger; third finger; fourth finger (in piano-playing); fourth toe
ball of a finger; finger cushion; pulp of the finger; pad of the finger
leading; prominent; eminent; counting on one's fingers
finger; hands and fingers; hands
talking about (behind one's back); backbiting
pointing at
jamming a finger; stubbing a toe; spraining a finger (toe)
five-toed (socks); top 5 (counting with fingers)
finger; one's finger
touching with a finger; inserting a finger; fingering (sexual practice)
snapping one's fingers; finger-snap
hand puppet; glove puppet
fingerspelling (in sign language for the deaf); finger alphabet
green thumb (i.e. natural gardener)
finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs)
fingerboard; fretboard
finger hole (flute, bowling ball, etc.)
posing and moving the fingers as an art form; finger-tutting
ring finger
middle finger
possum; phalanger
trigger finger; flexor tendinitis
finger Braille; system of communicating with the deaf-blind in which the receiver's fingers are tapped like a Braille typewriter
ring finger
Examples (29 in total)
I just cut my finger.
Don't lick your fingers.
The baby is sucking his finger.