1. thought; idea; ideology
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
dangerous thoughts
design concept; design philosophy; basic ideas behind a design
political thought; political philosophy; political idea; idea about politics
ideological offense; crime of espousing dangerous ideas; political crime; ideological offender; thought crime
world of ideas
elitism; idea of being part of a chosen people
thought police
freedom of thought
contemporary philosophy; modern thought
the philosophy of the European Enlightenment
free thought
Buddhist thought; Buddhist concept
one's thought and beliefs
extremism; radical belief
eugenic thought; idea of eugenics
pessimism due to decadent-age theory
thought control; thought censorship
scientific thought
feudalistic thought or thinking
old-fashioned idea
economic ideology; (school of) economic thought
reactionary ideas
philosophy of Lao-tse and Chuang-tse; Taoism
pacifism; pacifist thought
Shenxian thought (ancient Chinese folk belief in the existence of mountain wizards)
admiration of the powerful
play dealing with ideas
faith in the power of language; belief that reality is affected by the spoken word; speaking of a lucky (or unlucky) event will bring it about
romantic thought; philosophy of romance
anti-foreign sentiment; xenophobia; exclusionism; exclusivism
Juche (North Korean political ideology)
Juche (North Korean political ideology)
Examples (10 in total)
Words serve to express ideas.
Human history is in essence a history of ideas.
I don't support his ideas.