1. citizen; citizenry; public
2. city inhabitant; townspeople
3. bourgeoisie; middle class
Pitch accent
Composed of
citizen; resident; person; user (of a website, esp. as a collective, e.g. Twittersphere)
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
ordinary citizen; the general public
petty bourgeois; lower middle class
citizenship; civic rights; civil rights; widespread acceptance; social recognition; common use
citizen's group
civil society
all citizens; all the city's inhabitants; the whole city
municipal hospital; public hospital
city meeting hall; civic hall; community center
people's revolution; popular revolution
citizens' campaign; citizens' group
middle class; bourgeoisie
honorary citizen
municipal tax
civic activity; activities initiated by the citizens themselves
citizens' rally; mass meeting
perspective of an ordinary person; common sense; popular feeling
global citizen; citizen of the earth
civic education; education for citizenship
civil law
citizens band radio; CB radio
public plaza; citizen's plaza
citizen journalist
Examples (15 in total)
I am a citizen of the world.
I am a citizen of Sapporo.
Citizens are the ultimate sovereigns.