Adjective (の)
1. (within a) city; local
Pitch accent
Composed of
inside; within
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
city sightseeing
local telephone exchange number; local exchange prefix
intra-city telephone call; local call
Examples (13 in total)
Let's go in the city.
I'd like a city map.
I plan to stay in the city.
We met at a certain place in the city.
The airport is quite a way from the city centre.
Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits.
This is the boy who showed me around the city.
They need to find an apartment in the city.
A bus transported us from the airport to the city.
There is a plan to restrict the use of cars in the city center.
We usually met at a certain place in the city.
This bus will take you around the city.
The river that flows through London is the Thames.