1. official; civil service
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
doer; performer; protagonist (in noh or kyogen); hero; speculator (in trading)
work; job; labor; work
happiness; good fortune; luck; blessing
device; contrivance; trick; trap; (small) scale; half finished; commencement
tacking (in needlework); basting; planting (esp. rice seedlings); discipline; training
end; close; finish; noh dance in plain clothes
deed (esp. negative); act; action; one's doing
match; game; bout; contest
stocking; buying up
longshoreman; baggageman
management; dealing with; course of events; circumstances; end result (usu. bad); outcome
way; method; means; resource; course
partition; division; settlement of accounts; preliminary warm-up ritual; toeing the mark; directing
structure; construction; arrangement; plan; plot; contrivance
finish; finishing; finishing touches
training; education; stocking up; laying in; preparation (e.g. ingredients); girl studying to become a geisha
way; method; means; (technical) specification
payback; tit for tat; retaliation; doing over again; redoing
tailoring; dressmaking; sewing; making; preparation
finish; end; completion; result
allowance; remittance; sending (someone) an allowance
government service; entering government service; (of a ronin) finding a new lord or master to serve
classification; assortment; assortment journalizing (in bookkeeping)
situation; developments; outcome
having one's own way; giving free rein to one's desires; acting as one pleases
food delivery service; catering; walk-on part (in a play or film); background actor; extra
making over (clothing)
sewing; tailoring; newly tailored clothes
execution ground
way of training; method of bringing up children
delivery; sending; treatment
kitchen work; housework; scullion; servant who works in the kitchen (usu. female)
finishing up
(successive lords) using the same retainers
implements used to enhance the effect of a play (e.g. props, costumes, etc.)
method; way
blunder; failure; mistake; error
stock of goods received
silk pouch with drawstring for holding a tea caddy (tea ceremony)
outset; beginning; starting (things); resuming work after the New Year's vacation
preparation (e.g. of land for tilling); ground clearance; clearing
speculators' (speculative) market
men pressed into forced labor (ritsuryo system)
men pressed into forced labor (ritsuryo system)