1. three
2. three years of age
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Composed of
three; 3
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
bowing while pressing three fingers of each hand on floor
dead of night; middle of the night; midnight; third quarter of the hour of the ox (2-2:30am, or 3-3:30am)
threefold; folded in three
Examples (15 in total)
There are three options.
Three coffees, please.
Tokyo Station is the third stop.
He gave three wrong answers.
Mother divided the cake into three parts.
He is younger than me by three years.
My room has three windows.
She is three years older than I am.
The desk has three drawers.
There are three empty rooms. However, we can't use any of them.
I asked each boy three questions.
These three countries were united into one.
Walk along the street and turn left at the third intersection.
The film scooped up three awards at the Cannes film festival.
Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article.