Verb (する)
1. photography (still or motion); photographing; filming; shooting; (video) recording
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
photography; taking photographs
taking a commemorative photo
photography event; photo session; photo shoot
photographer; photograph-taker; filmer; recorder
movie set; filming location
movie camera; motion picture camera; cinecamera
no photographs; no photography
image shooting mode (digital camera)
director of photography; cinematographer
amateur video; amateur photography; private video
special effects; SFX
high-speed photography
night photography
X-ray (photography)
continuous shooting (camera)
time-lapse photography
outdoor photography
outdoor photography; outdoor filming
panoramic photography; panoramic radiography
shooting script (film, television); continuity
location filming; on-location shoot
trick photography
outdoor photography
double exposure
high-angle shot; bird's-eye shot; overhead shot; crane shot
Examples (3 in total)
This picture was taken by him.
They shot the film in an actual desert.
Do you have underwater photography equipment?