1. purse; handbag; wallet
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
to hold the purse strings
to tighten the purse strings; to tighten one's belt
virtual wallet
Examples (60 in total)
Here's my wallet.
Give me back my wallet.
Just give him the wallet.
Oh no! I forgot my wallet.
I lost my purse.
My purse was stolen on the bus.
I lost my wallet.
Put away your wallet.
My wallet and passport are missing.
Waaahhh! I lost my wallet.
Is this your wallet?
When did you notice your wallet was missing?
Will you help me look for my purse?
I don't have any money in my wallet.
This purse is made of paper.
I'm looking for my wallet. Have you seen it?
He stole my wallet.
I lost my wallet somewhere around here.
He recovered his stolen wallet.
I picked up a purse in the street.
I've lost my purse again.
"I lost my wallet," lamented John.
I had my purse stolen in the changing room.
To my dismay, my wallet was gone.
He took out a 1,000-yen note from his wallet.
Tom has an organ donor card in his wallet.
Don't put the wallet on the top of the heater.
Where did you find this wallet?
Walking along the street, I found a wallet.
She wondered where she had lost her purse.
She found her purse under the desk.
I left the keys with my wallet.
He wondered what to do about the wallet he was holding.
I searched my pockets for my wallet.
He took out the wallet from his inside jacket pocket.
I left my wallet at home on that particular day.
Did you see a brown wallet around here?
It seems that my little sister got her wallet stolen at school.
Sami stole a wallet and sold it to me.
He said he had forgotten his wallet at home.
I had my wallet stolen by the man sitting next to me.
"How much do you have on you now?" "Sorry, I didn't bring my wallet."
I didn't realize my wallet was missing until I got home.
I finally managed to find my lost wallet.
Why do you have a picture of Tom in your wallet?
I succeeded in the recovery of the stolen wallet.
I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my wallet.
I had money, credit cards, and my driver's license in my wallet.
She was very glad to find the purse she had given up for lost.
Paul wasn't with Mary when her purse was stolen.
I had lost my purse, so I couldn't buy the cassette.
She gave the boy what few coins she had in her purse.
When I was in London last year, someone broke into my room and stole my wallet.
After I got on board a train, I found I had left my wallet behind at home.
In addition to about 30,000 yen, the wallet contained his driver's license.
Sickness empties the wallet.
I had my wallet stolen from my inner pocket.
My father took out his wallet and gave me ten dollars.
This is the same wallet as I lost a week ago.
Whenever I get on the subway, I put my wallet in my front pocket.