1. property; fortune; assets
Pitch accent
Composed of
fortune; riches; goods; incorporated foundation
(giving) birth; childbirth; native of; product of; assets; property
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
everything one owns
private property
Examples (25 in total)
I inherited my father's property.
The property is mine.
The property passed from father to son.
The king left a large fortune behind.
I inherited his estate.
Edward inherited his uncle's estate.
He made his fortune from commerce.
John inherited a large fortune.
He left his son a large fortune.
My uncle possesses great wealth.
A severe typhoon has done much damage to property.
The fortune was divided among the three brothers.
He left his daughter a great fortune.
That country's wealth comes from its oil.
His property was estimated at one hundred million dollars.
My grandmother left us a great fortune.
He amassed a large fortune before he died.
The family property was distributed among the relatives.
The property was divided equally among the heirs.
He lost the greater part of his fortune in speculation.
He used all his wealth for the benefit of the poor.
My father left me a lot of money in his will.
No one knows how he has amassed his enormous fortune.
Tom gambled away a fortune in one night.
All the property will go to his daughter.